Here are three words for you: Virtual Private Network (more commonly referred to as VPN). If you’ve never heard of the term, or aren’t sure about its exact nature in our info tech world, then chances are you’ve never utilized one. A VPN is facilitated for several reasons, by individuals and the business sector alike. Anyone who initiates one for their time on the internet will have a variety of reasons. They can vary according to the individual’s needs and wants; scaling from minimal personal usage to access international television programs not available in their region, to encryption and security during time spent in cyberspace. In essence, a VPN is used to secure and encrypt communications when using an untrusted network which is in the public domain.[1]
The latter is the more common theme. In this day and age where big brother seems to lurk in every corner of our internet browser, more and more people, and companies, are resorting to the use of a VPN provider. In fact, as people are educating themselves on the realms of the digital jungle that is fast becoming a second home, the VPN is becoming a common household name. And why not? With hackers at the ready to steal your sensitive information, and government regimes watching and monitoring your every move, the VPN is now an essential addition to add to our daily internet rituals. In essence, public networks are cesspits, and if we dwell in them too long, without the correct protective elements, then we tend to ‘pick up’ those bugs which dwell in them.
When you use a VPN, the usual presentation is to launch a VPN client on your personal computer. You log in; your computer then “exchanges trusted keys with a server,” and once both systems have been authentically verified, your communication on the internet is secure.
However, not all VPNs are created equally. When searching for the right VPN for your own use, it is important to know what it is you are signing up for, and who with. You need to take into consideration connectivity protocols, features and server locations. The best VPNs will offer a good selection on these criteria. Most importantly, the VPN Provider should have a so called ‘no-logging policy’ which ensures that no user activity will be logged.
IPV 300×250 (set 3)
You need to be aware of other considerations such as trusting your provider with your data. In other words, what do they log? Everything outside of your VPN server is secure from eavesdropping, but those sharing the same provider may have access to your data. Some VPN providers keep logs in case a government requests them, so decide what is acceptable to you when it comes to logging. [2] AnonHQ recommends IPVanish as it fulfills all criteria regarding speed, security, support of all mobile devices and most importantly anonymity and safety: “IPVanish does not collect or log any traffic or use of its Virtual Private Network service”
Other features you may want to consider are:
- Does your VPN provider offers Anti Malware/Spyware?
- Do you have the option of securing your phone along with your computer via Mobile Apps?
- Pricing of the provider.
- Exit Servers if you want a country specific VPN.
Essentially, the million dollar question to ask yourself when you are considering a VPN (or not) is: how secure do you want to be next time you surf the net?
Links: IPVanish VPN (recommended by AnonHQ.com)
The one thing that is wrong with this post is that you used Comic Sans. Never do that. Ever. Again.
it`s not secure?:)
I can’t spot any Comic Sans. Check your internet settings whether you’ve set Comic Sans as default font.
He means in the infographic above.
They probably used it because the graphic (and the whole article, actually) is for no-IT people, so it is meant to be friendly.
I don’t understand why the average joe needs to hide what they surf? Unless it’s stuff like peodophilia! Isn’t this info a peodos dream?
Government still tracks and knows your devices are connected to a VPN and any slip in pattern of use or account or site access enables them to track you in other ways.
Plus they have satellite and radar monitoring outside of internet anyway, which can physically tap your computer, brain, and track what you do from above. So where is the security really?
You’re a special kind of stupid aren’t you. I’m going to assume you know nothing about how radar or satellite imaging works. Let alone the science behind being able to understand the thoughts of a human being. I have a strong understanding of a couple of these topics and they don’t work like you think they do.
Nice post admin lots of things to learn. And yes I am new to it so I would like to learn more like how to setup your VPN 🙂 O:)
That’s a good question
THERE IT IS! Net Neutrality scare tactics, LulzSec style with the need for “corporations” to help us and the “masked men’ to save us. You don’t need a VPN, you just need to NOT PUT PERSONAL INFO ON THE INTERNET. Go ahead, I will give you the login to my server and computer, you can do nothing at all harmful to me. About the only thing you will get are photos of my cats, some porn, and maybe a cool graphic or some PHP scripts.
Ever heard of a subpoena or ISP doxing? Dumbass.
So WTF dude ……..I mean WHAT THE FUCK are u thinking ???Our personal Information its very important.With your thought everyone have to share their ips and stuff like that in to internet and even with no personal data on computers they must get access on it??? ARE U STUPID??? So listen how it goes…People like pizza delivery and all that stuff or gays like you have some cat pictures and some php scripts on their computer Othes people WORK from their homes or PAYS from their homes or or or or SO wake up from your Dream World cuz this world is bad and you have to admit that security and personal data is the most important thing on it.
Ill take you up on that challenge. How would you like to get me your credentials?
Why don’t you guys hack the fed. see what evil shit they are doing. Maybe dump all that you find?
You suggested IPVANISH but I think
Cyberghost is way better than it…or
IPVANISH is best? Which will be best for use?
C.E.O of
i use both CyberGhost and GlobusVPN. Globus connects u straight to the Tor network with browsers like firefox and the mimic of tor browser bundle they have on mobogenie (like appcake but for APKs) and has an automatic ‘check.tor’ button conveniently to check if its connected. not many ppl seem to use globus but i think its something worth looking into
I personally use IPVanish, it works like a charm! You select where you want to be from and that’s it! It is all set up, I definitely recommend, however I have never used any other VPN’S so I cannot compare. I do not recommend using a free Vpn as they will most likely log information.
http://scr3.golem.de/screenshots/1403/nsa_hammerstein/thumb620/hammer-vpn.jpg I will just leave this here… On the right top is the pc and on the left top is the VPN. In between the NSA starts spying. But you can read it by yourself. Btw. The picture was a document released by Edward Snowden
Here is for my brothers . I love you !
Or just use TOR browser and SSL if possible
Tor is far more secure than any VPN. A VPN provider has the capability to record all data to and from its servers, while Tor relays do not. Additionally, if they do record the data, their government has the capability to require the VPN to hand over any and all data on their servers, without restriction.
As for SSL, it’s only really secure if the site you connect to uses Perfect Forward Secrecy, and isn’t compromised by an agency. Of course, if the site IS compromised, nothing will actually protect you.
… … … … ….. … .. …
Is it mo-o-o-o-o-se? (:-|D
what about tor network?
this is http://anonhq.com <=== Secure??? You sure??? ..LOL …guys..Check & Re-Check again !!!
I think ipvanish is probably good, but I prefer https://ironsocket.com – its cheaper and has more included services like a dns proxy, socks5/http proxy etc. The point is, everyone should use a VPN!
This is a joke and gov ran
Nice information
I would of never known
does a VPN slow your internet surfing and make streaming video almost impossible?
Can the NSA not harm VPN?
The NSA are the VPN, and all other agencies are linked to every single button we press on, the alphabet men are everywhere… Peace out peeps….
Little question: How can i use then a VPN on Steam when Steam refuses to connect up to its servers through a VPN, i mean i get why cause of the cheap prize bypass and so, but i do VPN cause of security not to get a game 2$ cheaper. Is there any VPN i can use that works with Steam, Origin and all those other programs that does not make me drop down to 200kbps?
It is understandable that you should use a VPN to secure your browsing and other functions but I am not paying someone to do it for me. I could also easily run ToR and ping my address all across the world.
Yes you maybe be able to bounce your IP address through many relays, but government analysts today can decipher the entrance and exit Tor nodes of many users, work out patterns and with the billion dollar resources the NSA have, locate your real IP address. A VPN is a ‘belts and braces’ approach to cover your tracks further, and if the government do manage to locate your IP address that you used for TOR, it would belong to the VPN provider. IF the provider keeps no logs, then it will be very difficult for for the tracker to obtain your real identity.
Trust me, its worth the $4 a month if you are really wanting to explore the deep web.
Techtronic why would you want to explore the deep web, unless you are interested in child porn? – just wondering
is there a VPN for Chromebook?
I think IPVanish is a great choice, they are fairly large and seem to be a reputable company (source: http://vpnverge.com/ipvanish/ – the author apparently met them in person, so it is reasonable to assume that they aren’t running their service out of some garage LOL). I read a couple of reviews where people were complaining about having a hard time getting a refund, but that’s about it…
I think the most secure option is a VPN paid for using anonymous payment method, so even if your VPN provider is keeping logs, it will be difficult to tie any activity back to you. Tor is a great alternative but a very slow one. Normal web surfing using Tor can be painful, so painful that most people will tend to not use it unless they absolutely have to. Hence a reasonably secure VPN seems to be the most practical option with Tor reserved for the top secret stuff 😉
Great post and something every Internet user should consider…
How do i get a vpn to work?
The NSA are the VPN and all other agencies are linked to every single button we press on so stay safe peeps… Love and light
Proxies is the buzz of the net at the moment, and it is a great way to stay frosty on the web.
I use Cyber Ghost for my VPN provider. High level 128bit data encryption, absolutely NO LOGS, and the graphical interface is user friendly with many servers to choose from. There is a free version that gets you started and connects you to a limited amount of servers for around 4 hours. Then premium members for around $4 a month can gain faster access and more servers to choose from on more than one device. I currently have it on my laptop and smartphone.
I use Cisco Systems VPN version How safe is this?
IpVanish is a great VPN Provider, I personally have been using it from past six months and having no issue with it.
changed from IPVanish to PIA (Private Internet Access) because I found out that IPVanish complies with DMCA norms. Anyone knows if PIA is reliable? is IPVanish still a pretty good option?
how good is the opera’s free VPN???