Image: The Avenger’s “Helicarrier”
Written by: Anon.Dos
A flying aircraft carrier or as Wikipedia likes to call it the Hellicarrier is “the idea” that is being considered by the United States government, thank you Avengers. The Defense Advanced Research Products Agency or DARPA is funding scientists, engineers and private firms in order to bring this project to life.
According to a press release this is what DARPA has to say:
“DARPA is interested in exploring the feasibility of small UAS airborne launch and recovery approaches for providing distributed airborne capabilities from existing air platforms. The agency envisions a large aircraft that, with minimal modification, could launch and recover multiple small unmanned systems from a standoff distance. It is postulated that there is a useful trade space in terms of launch platforms; recovery platforms; recovery techniques; the number of UAS employed; the size (and cost) of the UAS; UAS speed, range, and endurance; UAS propulsion; UAS survivability; payload types; and operational concepts.
This RFI seeks information on concept feasibility, unique and enabling platform technologies, and system architectures, concepts of operation, modeling and simulation, potential demonstration platforms and approaches, and reusable low-cost delivery vehicle (UAS) platform concepts. DARPA is primarily interested in platform-related technologies and concepts. This RFI also seeks rough order of magnitude (ROM) cost and schedule information to assist in planning a potential future DARPA program in this area.”
This carrier will work as the same as a sea carrier for servicing drones and refueling them since they have small fuel tanks.
If this project is completed it will make drones more versatile than ever before. The United States will be sending drones almost everywhere. This would also allow the US to cut the budget they spend on creating air base in different countries.
Defense Advanced Research Products Agency is requesting ideas from its people so they can start the process and implement all those ideas in their four year plan.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s one floating or flying around right now. I was in the Navy in the 70’s and we had drones back then.
And the w.a.s.p flyer in the 70ies
That’s actually the same thing as a drone.
I was in the navy just last year. the new technology and weapons that they have are frightful. a lot of the sifi tech. that we seen in movies, like laser guns, heat ray, rail canons. and so on.. so this flying aircraft carrier is not far feched. other research is underway even for invisibility.
Well, until the real war begins, they are not going to be used…
They battle for profit now, so it doesn’t matter with wich tech
Because flying aircraft carriers for drones are needed so desperately. So much more than, say, support for homeless veterans or other homeless, affordable education and healthcare, eco friendly systems, foods without chemicals or gmos etc. Lucky we can eat aircraft carriers – we def need more of them! Mm tasty.
yes :)) and in some countries in the world they have more churches than hospital and schools put together. at leas they have god to keep them fed and healthy , right?
Those churces were build before there was an idea of hospital…
Remember Medial ages were diffrent
In reality… churches are USELESS.
while i am an atheist, i must admit churches do help many get through dark times of their lives
Im pretty sure they also did a feasibility report on building a death star. For something like this to work it would probably cost more fuel than it is able to carry, if you consider the amount of time it would need to spend in the air until the mission is complete. Much easier to just anchor off shore and develop drone range instead.
lol, the death star
Hmm, maybe..
But if you are planning quick attack from land, and that land is far from any ocean, than that is very good idea and useful.
Just like propper nazis =D HAH
The only way this project could be feasible would be if the airborne carrier was based either on a neutral buoyancy platform or one that made use of anti-gravity technology. Whilst both of those technologies are within the abilities of the USA I consider the former impractical whilst the latter would mean that the USA would have to admit possession of a technology it has so far kept very secret.
Or it could just fly few kilometars above ground or water(enough to trouble submarines)
That’s exactly what I was thinking. You don’t have to fly that high.
Suddenly there comes system failure and the whole carrier drops to the ground in big city or/and has many people in it..
Well it could be worse if it’s powered by nuclear reactor :/
essa foto e do filme os vingadoreskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
this picture movie the evengers child kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Excuse me…. The grown-ups are talking here. Go back to your sandbox.
I see it like this…
If this 4 year plans succeeds,
it is going to be the end or beginning of WWIII…
It could be implemented and ready to use by 2020,
and the only problem I see for us revolutionists
is how to destroy it or build it.
since fuel is the only actual concern, then there is no reason to not build it or launch it, zero point is unlimited and does exist.
That will never be true its impossible to build a aircraft like that if the fuel is not enough or maybe it will be wasted easily. How can they build that big thing if the engines is big it would take more than 4 yearsnto do that
Never underestimate science. You’ll come out looking like an idiot every time.
the most critical problem is not to get shot down by some enemy heat ray or laser gun – I imagine in the end it will be mirror plated 😀
OR they just combine it with their invisibility tech, they’d just have to build it for high energy radiation (cool down the nano structures or something like this, no idea) future war will be trying to hit a frequency which is not redirected around the airship
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