By Amanda Froelich at trueactivist.com
Former CBS News investigative reporter Sheryl Attkisson discusses how to spot mainstream media lies.
If you’re aware that only a handful of corporations (6, to be exact) control over 90% of the media, you’re one of the few. What this means, is that everything you hear on the radio, read in the news, and see on television (including the ‘news’), is controlled by one of these six corporations: General Electric (GE), News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS.
This startling truth has become more commonly accepted in recent years, especially since Operation Mockingbird, a CIA-based initiative to control mainstream media, was exposed.
Popular avenues of information are now bombarded with clever marketing tactics telling the public what to think and what to buy, how to look, and where to spend hard-earned dollars. Such is evident once you wake up and note the blatant lies continuing to spam the TV screen and newspaper headlines – especially concerning the topics of health, food, war (“terrorism”), poverty, and more.
Sadly, people aren’t even aware of how brainwashed they’ve become. That’s where Sheryl Attkisson comes in.
For her eye-opening TEDx talk (above), the veteran investigative journalist (and former CBS News investigative reporter) reveals how “astroturf,” or fake grassroots movements, funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.
It’s time the populace wake up and question everything with integrity.
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And for that reason, News Corp complains of a Left Wing bias in Education. So?
So they News Corp can enter the Education “Market”. Then once in News Corp can peddle more crap to your kids so they can make easy dollars all in the process of ruining education.
Keep News Corp out of Education.
Stunningly Beautiful
Great job !
I definitely appreciate the video. Thanks for sharing. I would suggest in an article of this nature, though, Wikipedia is probably not the best reference to use.
she is one of the only REAL journalist and investigative reporters left ! PERIOD
Honestly? A dedicated journalist takes on the very corporation that she works for and you bring up her menstrual cycles? (courtesy FOX News)
Wait, CBS knew the sleep story was a commercial marketing ploy, and yet they ran it anyway? Sounds like CBS is running a pay-to-play operation. I’m surprised she didn’t “clean her glasses” a little better on this one. If anyone is guilty of media manipulation, it is media ownership itself, the top 6 media outlets that control over 90% of American ‘news’. The speaker missed a golden opportunity to expose the depths of corrupted “free press.” http://mediamatters.org/research/2015/10/06/major-broadcast-news-networks-ignore-poll-showi/205989
media matters ?? LOL the DNC pays them MONEY TO FABRICATE LIES LOL david brock looks like a heroin addict !!
Jack has no hard data, so attacks the messenger instead. Pathetic. People here are far too smart for that, pal. Maybe it works on Breibart or Rush Limbaugh website? If you can refute the data in the Media Matters study, do show. Otherwise, take your demagogic sound bites elsewhere.
While we’re on the topic, let’s look at the recent Bloomberg survey (an ultra-conservative Wall St firm), which showed that 80% of all Americans think Citizens United is a corruption of liberty, and want to see it overturned. Did you hear this reported in the 90%-media? No, you didn’t. Why? because those who control the 90% media benefit the most from Citizens United-style cronyism and K-Street corruptions. http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2015-09-28/bloomberg-poll-americans-want-supreme-court-to-turn-off-political-spending-spigot
If you continue to see crony fascism as a partisan (left v. right) issue, you will continue to miss the elephant in the room. Jacky boy, your sound-bite handlers have trained you well.