This is a classic example of “there is more to it than meets the eye”. Images from the excavation of Easter Island’s renowned giant head statues has revealed that the heads actually have bodies that extend deep underground and the bodies are in fact marked with detailed tattoos.
The Easter Island Statue Project has been excavating two of 1,000-plus statues on the Easter Island, one of the most remote inhabited islands in the world, and the images uncover the secrets of the mysterious stones and the people who built them. The team of archeologists also found large quantities of red pigment, some of which may have been used to paint the statues.
“Our EISP excavations recently exposed the torsos of two 7m tall statues. Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of visitors to the island have been astonished to see that, indeed, Easter Island statues have bodies! More important, however, we discovered a great deal about the Rapa Nui techniques of ancient engineering,” said Jo Anne Van Tilburg, Director, EISP, on the project website.
“The reason people think they are [only] heads is there are about 150 statues buried up to the shoulders on the slope of a volcano, and these are the most famous, most beautiful and most photographed of all the Easter Island statues. This suggested to people who had not seen photos of [other unearthed statues] that they are heads only,” he added.
The team has also discovered that the dirt and detritus partially burying the statues was washed down from above and not deliberately placed there to bury, protect, or support the statues. The statues were erected in place and stand on stone pavements. Post holes were cut into bedrock to support upright tree trunks. Rope guides were cut into bedrock around the post holes. Posts, ropes, stones, and different types of stone tools were all used to carve and raise the statues upright.
In the pavement under one statue, the scientists found a single stone carved with a crescent symbol said to represent a canoe, or vaka. The backs of both statues are covered with petroglyphs, many of which are also vaka. A direct connection between the vaka symbol and the identity of the artist or group owning the statue is strongly suggested.
The Easter Island statues, called Moai, have dotted the Chilean Polynesian island since 1250 C.E. At 82-tons, the tallest of them reaches an impressive 33-feet high.
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hooooly fuuuuu
I’m not sure why this article exists, this is no deep secret, pun intended. I knew this years ago.
and some guy 50 years ago claimed this and nobody cared and now it’s woow.. ppl of earth are really funny (read stupid)
actually, it could just be that many of us were not around 50 years ago and nobody actually dug them the hell up 🙂 I mean, when I learned about them in class, 50 years ago was never mentioned….
Re-comment. The Easter Island Documentary that came out years ago had all this in it. It showed where the statues were carved out of rock, and were several meters tall. They figured that was to place them for they will stay upright. If something that heavy sit too long it will eventually fall to one side unless there’s more weight below then above. Just as it is today, as in flag poles, the base needs to be deep and heavier then the pole, that keeps it strait up and not falling over in time. Balancing act and not hard to figure it out.
“The Easter Island statues, called Moai, have dotted the Chilean Polynesian island since 1250 C.E”
So, they were built in year 1250? That’d make them 765 years old right? Hmh, I think maybe the author meant 1250 BCE…
No, the author did not make a typo. That is indeed 1250 C.E. Most of the Moai are between 700 and 800 years old, although the newest ones were made as recently as 500 years ago.
Easter Island, like many of the world’s remote islands, was only reached by humans quite recently (as in, not in ancient times, but during Europe’s Middle Ages).
The Vikings were the first humans to reach Iceland, around 870 C.E. And the Maori were the first humans to reach New Zealand, around 1200 C.E.
First written recordings by the Europeans who came to New Zealand document the Maori spoke of people being in New Zealand when they arrived. There has been evidence found of earlier peoples as well. None of which makes the New Zealand history books. Only the status quo thanks…nothing to see here…move along.
The pati orities not sure thats the correct spelling were native too new zealand before the maori arrived and began eating them into extinction.
No he is not wrong. That is the correct amount of years.
I like your thinking. 🙂
Truly AMAZING! Hopefully,they left other clues for us.
Maybe humans will get their heads together one day too.
That’s it, maybe. lol
I’m amazed you didn’t know.
Best wishes from Chile.
Gracias por el saludo 🙂 Los Moais son reales no fueron hechos ni tallados por el hombre… Tienen cuerpos y hay un libro que habla de estas estatuas como una civilización antigua.
Hola entonces quien contruyo estas estatuas?
Hola. Y como se llama el libro para comprarlo.
I have never been awed and thrilled
Amazing I wonder what the exact purpose of these statues were for?
I would love too know this, as well.
Erected to confront the continuous attempts of Alien Grays to retrieve their offspring from the females of that area which were used to incubate. The Bigger the Badder theory
There are lots of things which we couldn’t find out made by our forefather.
This is truly remarkable.
Practically the same article written in 2012 here : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2149846/Hidden-treat-The-Easter-Island-heads-BODIES.html
Brilliant article, wonderful statues
The Author just wanted to make an example for the One Thing: At most things there is more than you can directly see…
heh and I define the post to be taken the same way. People are too litteral or always quick to jump to be the one to prove someone wrog so they can be told oh you were right first! Heh Open your eyes people, more than meets the eye, even if it’s been under your nose for years, when will everyone see everything for what it is!?!
OMG fkn AWSOME did not see that comming
Quick someone call Giorgio tsukalous it’s the aliens
This is really old news folks, these pictures have been used all over for years. And the facts talked about have been known for 20 years, so I thought Anonymous site was interesting but this just proved that there is some old stuff and that this site might not be as intelligent as I first thought. Come on, if you guys want credibility, check your sources first. If you post something as being actual make sure it is.
Snowed it seems legit.
Cool! I want one!
Guys … That’s no secret at all … Everyone know that for years now … Well everyone interested at least, even if you’re not actually …
“New secrets revealed”??
This is a well known fact since, at least 1914.
whoever built this was very stupid. What’s the relevance of this?