Three Tons of Cats Buried Alive In Vietnam


Thousands of cats get smuggled from China into Vietnam to feed the country’s illegal cat meat trade. Authorities ignore pleas from animal rights groups and widespread calls for the cats’ lives to be spared. Still, the innocent felines are buried alive.

Three tons of cats crammed into bamboo crates were found in a truck impounded in Hanoi, and were buried by the police as per the Vietnamese law on smuggled goods. Smuggled animals, including chickens, are disposed of in the same manner in Vietnam.

“The cats were from China, with no official origin papers and no quarantine. Several of them had died, there was a terrible smell that could affect the environment and carried risks of future diseases. Therefore, we culled them by burying them,” a police officer from the Dong Da district environmental police said.

Prof Dang Huy Huynh, chair of Vietnam’s Zoology Association, said the cull was necessary to prevent the spread of disease and deter future smuggling. “The best way to cull the illegally imported animals is burning them. But this might cost more, so authorities may choose to bury them alive, still complying with procedures in accordance with laws,” he said.


The Asian Canine Protection Alliance made their displeasure clear in a statement:

“We have heard conflicting and equally inhumane stories as to how they may have been destroyed. Our request for any visual evidence of their fate has been denied. We must now assume they have all been killed, most likely in an inhumane fashion.

“The police officer who apprehended the truck deserves great credit. Beyond that the system has horrifically failed these animals – from border to burial. The trafficking and sale of these animals must be stopped as does the selling of cat for meat and the practice of inhumane killing of trafficked animals”.

Cat meat is a delicacy in Vietnam, and though the country has banned cats’ consumption, there are dozens of specialist restaurants serving cat in Hanoi. Most pet-owners keep the cats indoors as they fear that the felines may be stolen if allowed to roam freely in the streets. This wide gap between demand and supply has resulted in smuggling of animals from across the border – from China, Thailand and Laos. A petition on urges Vietnamese authorities “to change their animal handling policies”. Sign the petition here.



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  1. we have 3 cats and although we live in a rural area we would never let them out to roam and possibly get hurt or worse! Not to mention it also protects the small animals they would naturally prey on. I cannot fathom how much the cats suffered needlessly by the hands of law enforcement! Laws need to be changed to protect the innocent!!!!!

  2. This is barbaric and disgusting. What can we do to help this? I really don’t think a petition will accomplish anything. These people will not respond to a passive aggressive suggestion.

  3. Not only cats,dogs too. In my country, they eat 5 millions of dogs every years. Many people try to persuade them stop killing dogs and cats. But didn’t succeeded.

  4. Not only cats, dogs too.Every year, 5 millions of dogs are kill to be a food for somebody. Many people try to stop this, but didn’t succeeded

    • what’s really the difference? pigs are way more intelligent that both dogs and cats and no-one seems to give shit about them, people are ignorant, just because they had a pet dog/cat they feel sorry about eating it, but when it’s a pig or a cow they stop giving a crap, i am not a vegetarian in any way, i LOVE meat, i just hate the hypocrisy of the situation, you either treat ALL animals equally or stop whining !

  5. If you dont like seeing pictures of voilence towards animals being posted, you need to help stop the voilence, not the pictures!

  6. Three tons of cats, that was so many, we couldn’t feed all of them, no where for them to live. And also they might bring disease, so what could we do? Buried them alive was wrong and terrible, but we have no choice, how about we smuggled them back in China. Please don’t judge us when you not in that situation.

  7. Anonymous aren’t around for the cruelty of animals. They fight for freedom of the internet and human rights. They aren’t the police, they aren’t are guardians, they are simply anonymous, we don’t know them or and we probably never will. So let them do what they already do, which is protect human rights, we can barely do that.

    • Human rights and animal rights are equal. We’re all living organisms feeling pain and fear etc. Burying alive 3000 cats = burying alive 3000 refugees. Not everyone agree, that’s important freedom to disagree. Anyway we shouldn’t harm anyone who’s living. Unfortunately doing cruel things seems to build in humans through known history, but you can change that. Be anonymous and fight for better future for all.


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