On Friday, more than 500 documents were leaked from the U.S. Embassy in Sana’a, Yemen by Julian Assange’s Wikileaks.
The documents span from 2009 to the roots of Yemen’s civil war in 2015, covering Hillary Clinton’s years as Secretary of State and part of John Kerry’s.
RELEASE: The #Yemen Files #HillaryClinton #YemenCrisis #Saudi #Iran #ISIL #AQAP #RedSea https://t.co/kTLYWhGMBF #yemencrisis pic.twitter.com/LjzvkAQxG2
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 25, 2016
25 November 2016
Today, Friday 25 November, WikiLeaks releases the Yemen Files. .
The Yemen Files are a collection of more than 500 documents from the United States embassy in Sana’a, Yemen. Comprising more than 200 emails and 300 PDFs, the collection details official documents and correspondence pertaining to the Office for Military Cooperation (OMC) located at the US embassy. The collection spans the period from 2009 until just before the war in Yemen broke out in earnest during March 2015. This time period covers both Hillary Clinton’s term as Secretary of State (20092013) and the first two years of Secretary John Kerry’s tenure.
Julian Assange said: “The war in Yemen has produced 3.15 million internally displaced persons. Although the United States government has provided most of the bombs and is deeply involved in the conduct of the war itself reportage on the war in English is conspicuously rare.”
Yemen is of significant strategic interest as Yemen controls a narrow choke-point to the Red Sea and the Suez Canal through which 11% of the world’s petroleum passes each day. In addition, Yemen borders Saudi Arabia (to the north) and Oman (to the east) and has access to the Arabian Sea, through which another 20% of the world’s petroleum passes from the Strait of Hormuz (including the oil of Saudi Arabia and Iran). Saudi Arabia seeks to control a port in Yemen to avoid the potential constriction of its oil shipments by by Iran along the Strait of Hormuz or by countries which can control its other oil shipment path along the Red Sea.
The Yemen Files offer documentary evidence of the US arming, training and funding of Yemeni forces in the years building up to the war. The documents reveal, among other things, procurement of many different weapon types: aircraft, vessels, vehicles, proposals for maritime border security control and Yemeni procurement of US biometric systems.
A US presence remained in the country until February 2015, when the US closed its embassy due to the continuing unrest between different factions in the country. The war broke out a month later.
In other words, Clinton and Kerry had vested interest in Yemen. If they were Republicans, of course, liberal media would be all over this “war-for-oil” story.
You can bet on that.
Tens of billions of dollars were spent providing Yemeni forces with vessels such as “500-1000 Flyer Advanced Light Strike Vehicles,” alone costing $30 billion.
Be sure to check out further purchases for Yemeni forces here, where the revelations get even worse.
what if the elite commit their crimes over the US gov reputation and name?
They’re trying to create more chaos in this world by creating more terrorists. My friend Michael Martineau was right all along. The devil is the master of chaos and confusion.
Did They Contain The Dead Man Switch Code? Is he Alive and Well ?????????