Sometimes fact can be stranger than fiction and that certainly was the case these 10 times TV shows predicted the future. From Google Glass to 9/11 we watched the future act out on our silver screens as scarily accurate predictions.
Sometimes fact can be stranger than fiction and that certainly was the case these 10 times TV shows predicted the future. From Google Glass to 9/11 we watched the future act out on our silver screens as scarily accurate predictions.
the one is missin is the one that predicts fast a furious guys death, bryan died in a car accident, and then bryan crashed right liek the dog—–
You guys turned into Buzz Feed. I used to look forward to reading your articles because they shared real information and news.
I sure would love to see you report on your own news and write your own articles. Stop plagiarizing and stop with all the click bait articles. I should go back to Fox.
Anonymous your websites great, but please stop adding stupid ads like one-click pop-up..they really lower the value of your webwite in the readers eyes
Well for the predictions, maybe the innovators got the ideas of them shows. Besides for the 9/11 and others related as such might/could be just a coincidence. I don’t get how you guys believe in everything you see and read.
I want to point out that the first moving walkway debuted over 60 years before the Jetsons, and laptop computers were out before the inspector gadget cartoon.