In 2013 a Rothschild Insider Warned of an Elite Planned Race War in America


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  1. Wouldn’t it be funny if we spread the info enough that instead of a race war, they got a class war instead and it was blacks and whites vs the rich jerks who made the world the way it is? That is what I want. Find Rothschild or Rockerfeller? Kill Rothschild or Rockerfeller. Find them and kill them all!

  2. “They’ve often tried to, with the Fourth Reich being based on the West coast, they’ve tried to trigger this Helter Skelter apocalyptic race war in California. With the L.A. riots they tried to do it again, and they’re going to keep trying to do it until all hell breaks loose between blacks and whites in America, because… the black race is being targeted currently in America, the African-American.” ~Michael Prince”

    The problem with this is most people who aren’t just barbarians / subhuman will look for a REASON why it is happening and when one isn’t found, they will create one that rationalizes it for themselves. If people are providing just enough hints in the right direction, we can sabotage their race war agenda and turn it back on them as a class war by informing the black communities and the lesser off white communities (the south) what is really going on, which would turn them against the rich, entrenched establishment and THAT is what we all really need. Ruthless extermination of all those in the government and those rich fools who think they can manipulate people. This is no longer the medieval ages, we are afforded the ability to find our own information now so anyone who believes the lies of somebody else without fact checking them, well, they get what they deserve. Do your own research, find the truth and SPREAD IT!

  3. What is described here is crisis management at it’s worst, and definitely nepharious in nature… There is really no nicer way to describe this, then to say that it’s pure evil, being orchestrated here.


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