New Trump Filter Lets You “Delete Trump From The Internet”



As Trump’s rhetoric goes from insulting women, to mocking the disabled, to banning Muslims and beyond, the mainstream media has been propping up his “candidacy” with way too much coverage.

It’s as though the more extreme his speech, the less you want to hear about him, and paradoxically the more you’re forced to see him. Well, ring in the new year without waking up to yet another Trump scandal.

A new Google chrome add-on claims that it will be the cure to your Trump woes- the Trump Filter was launched in December 24th, and was created by Rob Spectre.

“I hope folks will take this opportunity to learn more about the wide field of candidates out there,” Spectre said to CNNMoney.

“People are looking to turn him off,” Spectre said.

While Trump remains free to speak about whatever he pleases, you retain your freedom to not have to hear him. With these ear plugs for the internet, you get to hear the voices of other candidates.

The extension comes with three settings: mild, aggressive and vindictive.

On mild, Trump’s Twitter page empties out- while on vindictive, news sites like CNN, Google News and Reuters get censored- your choice.

Spectre answers a few frequently asked questions on the extension’s webpage, such as:

Can I delete him from television too?

Tragically, Trump Filter cannot be installed on your television. However, we hope that enough installs will be a strong signal to the international media that America is ready to move on from this inveterate jackass.

Are you making money off this?

No, nor was I put up to this by the Republican or Democratic Parties, the Obama Administration, my mother or any other possible sphere of influence. I am doing this out of a profound sense of annoyance and patriotic duty.

Of course, the Trump Filter website and the Chrome app store aren’t affected, so that the app can still be searched for and shared.

Sources: CNN

This Article (New Trump Filter Lets You “Delete Trump From The Internet”) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and


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  1. He is now regarded as a danger to humanity. Why? Well, a guy with his arrogant attitude and foul-mouthed towards everything and everyone, who might (God forbid) be close to putting his finger on a button that can destroy the world. I don’t know, I feel a little uncomfortable with him in the white house. My son can go to war because of his arrogant attitude, while his children are safe tucked in bed with the Secret Service watching over them with my tax dollars.

    • You are the sort of feeble-minded Nimrod who calls to mind Churchill’s statement that “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

      • ya,, your line of presidents up to this point have been superb,,, you Idiot. and as the majority of the people want Trump, that would make you wrong.
        You better get a good leader in office,, this is your last chance!

    • No, only the stupid ignorant morons support the big faggot of Donald Trump
      Donald Trump is shit!
      How much problems have america like unemployment , homeless people , poverty ( 40% of the americas people have problems with money) AND NOW COMES THIS MOTHERFUCKER to make discord between the people!!!!
      The big problem in america are the FUCKING BANKERS AND ARM COMPANIES!!!!

    WHO IS THIS ROB SPECTRE BOLSHEVIK CREEP? Why does he want to control the narrative with internet blockages?
    The worst action would be to fuck around with the free flow of information on the internet! If Anonymous is beginning these types of actions it will be a serious breach of trust!
    If you do not agree with Trump then present alternative information and allow people to find their truth.
    In any case, of all the psychotic freaks who have been in and around the Whitehouse over the last 30 years Donald Trump appears to be the most honest and decent person.

    • I agree with what you said. It’s like everything else one person agrees and the other disagree. People need to do there on thinking. Most the others running for President lie have jobs there not doing and leaking information at least Trump is honest how he feels and not telling people what they want to hear.


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