By Cassius Methyl at theantimedia.org
In August, a 65 year-old woman named Estalyn Walcoff had a life changing experience with Psilocin, the active chemical in psychedelic mushrooms, or ‘shrooms’, the Psilocybe Family of mushrooms. Estalyn volunteered to participate in a study of how psilocybin (which turns to Psilocin in the liver) affects the brain in cancer patients with anxiety and depression.
She had severe anxiety from her diagnosis with an unspecified aggressive form of cancer five years ago until her experience with this drug changed her forever, successfully easing her anxiety about cancer.
Estalyn took a seat in a comfortable room, and she was handed a pill by a few researchers. Without knowing whether or not it was a placebo, she took it, and within an hour she started to trip.
Initially, she felt feelings of intense anxiety and panic. She said
“I experienced great anxiety[…]I experienced it as physical pain and then I began to see that it was actually a level of my mind. And underneath that I began to feel great emotional pain.”
She ended up crying for hours, until a feeling of unprecedented clarity and positivity was left in the wake of the pain.
“The worst pain and the worst fear and the worst anxiety turned into something that has opened, which is the most precious thing I’ve ever known,” she continued to say. “And to think I wouldn’t have known it — oh my gosh I can’t believe I wouldn’t have known it. It was a sense, I wish I could put it into words, but a sense of connectedness that runs through all of us.”
The way psilocybin (psilocin) works, is that it enables a person to make new mental passageways in the brain, and dig deep into the tunnels of the mind for better or for worse.
A person would find the best results with Psilocin exercising the mental strength to handle the ‘tunnels’ they dive down while on shrooms, but even the unprepared are usually left with that clarity at the end of a trip. A person using Psilocin must utilize the ability to connect rarely used parts of the mind for the creation of beneficialthought processes, to have success with it. The construction of beneficial thought processes that are remembered and utilized after tripping, is a major benefit of taking them.
As many of you reading this probably know by now, psilocybin mushrooms can also cause people to do such things as cry for hours, or suddenly start thinking about previously bottled up emotions for long periods of time. This is a common occurrence.
Past trauma and suppressed problems that were never fully solved in the mind or recognized often surface on these mushrooms, and after a person does something like cry for hours or spend their mushroom trip uncontrollably revisiting the bottled up emotions/trauma, the emotions or trauma cease to exist because the individual finally dealt with it.
When your subconscious has to tolerate bottling up things instead of thinking them through and painstakingly untangling the subconscious, you end up jumbled, anxious, experiencing symptoms of a tangled subconscious.
The same feeling of a tangled subconscious can come from having incomplete thoughts, forgetting what you are saying or what you needed to do ect. These mushrooms can untangle your subconscious even if you are initially scared as you trip.
A report was released on October 28th that was covered all throughout the independent and corporate media, showing a chart of brain activity on psilocin. The chart can be viewed below. It quite perfectly illustrates the beneficial function of psilocybin (psilocin) in helping to create new mental pathways.
Paul Expert, researcher at Kings College London Center for Neuroimaging Sciences and author of the study mentioned above, had this to say:
“One of the characteristics of the depressed brain is that it gets stuck in a loop, you get locked into repetitive and negative thoughts,”
“The idea is that using psilocybin might help break the loop and change the patterns of functional connectivity in the brain.”
So why are people still being locked in cages for using psilocybin mushrooms? Because the government does not care if shrooms are dangerous or not, and they do not care for morality.
Please share this with as many people as possible, for the sake of all the people currently rotting behind bars for using, growing, or selling this amazing product of nature.
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