Without Saying a Word This 6 Minute Short Film Will Make You Speechless


Can you put this video into words? It’s a clip from the phenomenal documentary Samsara, directed by Ron Fricke, who also made Baraka.

Buy the full documentary on Amazon


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  1. I’m fine by people eating it, that’s nature after all. But how they treat the animals, how many of them get sick and claustrpphobic of this. The creatures would rather get hunted than staying like that their whole lives, unless they have a grass plain to stay at.

  2. That’s a very effective Chicken-Catcher Machine they’ve got there. Need me to get one of those fur when I goes chicken huntin’

    • well, your wish is on the way since long. why do you think the companys pushes us to consume more and more pollutting products that should have been banned since long ? crash the eco system , get ride of 90 % of humanity, the poorest, and keep all those ressources for your clan before they all get consumed

  3. Nothing surprised me.

    Actually got surprised how nice and clean everything was.

    What surprised me the most was how much some people bought O_o

    They bought way more stuff in the store than they need and they dident even look fat.

    I dont feel sad for fat people, they can only blame them self.

    I would have been fat too if I did not full together in a early age, they dident and see how they look now some of them.

  4. We cannot think at animals as humans. In nature there is a much worse reality. Ever seen a magpie start eating on a smaller bird? Or hyenas start eating its prey while it’s still alive, screaming and try to escape?

    If animals eats, breed and tweets they are “mentally” OK. Nothing to worry about then.


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