News networks claim they are unbiased and balanced in their reporting. But it’s widely known that there are subtle political differences between the different networks, and they have misreported the facts many times in the past. Should we be worried that they’re having a bad influence on people and society? Alltime Conspiracies examines why we shouldn’t trust the news.
LOL, “some degree” of bias. And that KT is such a lovely person.
I think it’s also good to note that since 1983, 50 media companies that controlled 90% of media outlets, were all consolidated into 8 media conglomerates we have today. This goes to show different biases and the illusion of choice that we Americans have today when looking for our news.
The commentator stated that the Politifact study found disturbing statistics on accuracy in reporting from CNN, ABC, and NBC — but not Fox? I suspect that maybe it was a Fox-sponsored study, and that maybe Fox’s accuracy actually borders on 10%.