The Biggest Lies Taught In American Schools



Top 10 myths you were taught in school that are not true! This clip is gonna leave you flabbergasted.



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  1. The Founding Fathers were majority Freemasons and Pagans. Check google images for art in the US Capitol Building: the roof statue is a pagan goddess, and the ceiling frescoes are all pagan gods, depicted alongside the Founding Fathers. The US Constitution doesn’t refer to Jesus or The Bible, just an eponymous “Lord”, who could be any one of a plethora of pagan gods.

    There’s nothing wrong with being pagan: just be honest with your origins πŸ™‚

  2. By any fair account, these would be among the most microscopically small lies taught at American schools. If these people were serious about it, they would have started with ‘war on terror’ and slowly worked their way down the list…

  3. πŸ˜€ audio books for 7th graders πŸ˜€ …….. Schools and universities are free in most European countries. Europeans see university as granted, while American families often have to save for years for their children to attend one. What is more, universities in most countries around the world have entry exams, while only a few European countries do (like the UK)………………………………..USA is like Europe in the Middle Ages lasted from the 5th to the 15th century… 600 years behind EUROPE πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ …..


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