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Links: Protect your PC and mobile devices from hackers & governments and surf anonymously
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Links: Protect your PC and mobile devices from hackers & governments and surf anonymously
I would like to see the option that allows people to make their comments and opinions public or go through review before posting. Thanks!
What about if your phone already has a flashlight factory installed? I have a galaxy s4 and have a flashlight factory installed that I use all the time.
those who have preinstalled flashlight…can root their phone and uninstall it..take the help of xda developers
Please do mention that this applies to most ANDROID apps. Apple has it’s own flashlight and as the site states: This one appears to be safe.
Most decent android phones have a built in manufacturers flashlight app which is also safe. Android apps will show you what permissions they require when you install them. If it looks sus dont install. It’s not rocket science.
This is not true the first one found to collect data and send it.. And the first one to settle a deal with the FTC for this was an app called iHandy. It was an app only available on the iPhone.
TESLA LED is the Cleanest LedFlash Light for Android. Use Xprivacy and AFWall+. Also F-droid store has free and Open Source Apps
I would think for iPhones anyways, the factory flashlight would not apply to this. Any ap downloaded from the ap store could be a potential risk.
Totally fear mongering BS!!
But if you don’t have Internet on while you use it, they shouldn’t he able to send the data.. Right?
Dunno if droid folk have noticed, but like 99% of allllll apps got the same permissions being asked… Contacts, cam, mic, the works… There is no safety on any network anymore… Just doesn’t exist!
Part is bullshit , part is promoting and advertising, explained here
Anything you download could allow hackers to get into your phone. Thats one of the two reasons I don’t have a smart phone. The other is that I can’t afford one.
my iPhone 4s & 5s already had a flashlight on it didn’t need an app
The newer iPhones come with a flashlight already and I found this on Snopes (a website that points out urban legends) like it was said above, it is part truth, however not worth all the hype if we have built in flashlights anyway. http://www.snopes.com/computer/internet/flashlight.asp