By Elizabeth Montag at theantimedia.org
Copenhagen, Denmark —Pharmaceutical companies systematically suppress pertinent data showing the increased risk of suicide and aggression in young patients taking antidepressants, a scientific analysis has demonstrated. Researchers analyzed 70 studies assessing the safety and efficacy of the drugs, concluding that “in children and adolescents the risk of suicidality and aggression doubled” — but information of this nature has often been misrepresented and buried in the appendices of studies.
Though the study was released in January and received a moderate degree of media attention, coverage of the findings tended to highlight the increase in aggression while glossing over the calculated role of pharmaceutical companies and the FDA in suppressing data and supporting faulty science. Some articles acknowledged the poor quality of tests the researchers examined. Others made a point to highlight widespread misreporting, but most stopped short of recognizing the duplicitous nature of the pharmaceutical giants and the FDA, whose willfulcomplicity and consistent flouting of scientific research are central to the concerns raised in the January study.
The analysis, conducted by researchers at the Nordic Cochrane Center in Copenhagen and published in theBritish Medical Journal, examined 70 clinical study reports — the studies submitted to regulatory agencies like the FDA and EMA (European Medicines Agency) for approval of new drugs. The investigators examined double-blind, placebo-controlled trials conducted on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). Common SSRIs include Paxil, Lexapro, Zoloft, and Prozac. SNRIs include Cymbalta and Effexor.
They concluded that while adults did not experience significant increases in suicidal and aggressive behavior, “despite using clinical study reports, the true risk for serious harms is still uncertain.” They noted “the low incidence of these rare events and the poor design and reporting of the trials makes it difficult to get accurate effect estimates.”
In addition to poor design and reporting, the Cochrane researchers found those conducting the pharmaceutical studies often mislabeled reactions in patients. Such practices ultimately downplayed the risks of antidepressants, including the links between suicide and violence.
“Twenty-seven events were coded as emotional lability or worsening depression, although in patient narratives or individual patient listings they were clearly suicide attempts,” the researchers explained. In one instance, a suicide attempt was inexplicably deemed a case of “elevated liver enzymes” after a young patient intentionally overdosed on acetaminophen.
Scientific American detailed how the data was not only manipulated, but suppressed:
“The investigators discovered that some of the most revealing information was buried in appendices where individual patient outcomes are listed. This information, however, was available for only 32 out of the 70 trials.”
They noted two pediatric studies they examined had fraudulent data. The body of research had other deficiencies, as well:
“Details were unavailable for non-serious events, as they were either listed in adverse events tables or given in the appendix of individual patient listings without any narratives. These events were increased hostility, aggressiveness, rage, or anger.”
Further, they found instances of akathisia — restlessness, muscle quivering, and an inability to sit still associated with psychiatric drugs — were more common in those taking certain antidepressants than among those taking placebos. Akathisia is associated with a “jumping out of your skin” feeling and can increase the risk of suicide and aggression. The practices of the 70 studies’ authors, however, obfuscated these concerns. “[O]ur number of akathisia events is likely to be an underestimate, as the event appeared to be have been coded under many other activation terms, such as irritability, agitation, or nervousness,” the BMJ study explains.
The researchers’ conclusions are consistent with a small study published last year in the PLOS Medicine journal that found adolescents taking SSRIs were significantly more likely to commit violent crime. Though those authors cautioned the results needed further validation, the BMJ study may bolster growing concerns the drugs are associated with aggressive behavior — but this has failed to attract concerns from regulatory agencies.
Tarang Sharma, a Ph.D. student at Cochrane and lead author of the study, discussed some of the problems revealed by her initial findings.“We found that a lot of the appendices were often only available on request to the authorities, and the authorities had never requested them,” she said, alluding to the role of regulatory agencies, which are demonstrably perpetuating bad science and, as a result, the pervasiveness of antidepressant use.
The researchers themselves struggled to obtain the data on the 70 clinical study reports, which, as the Scientific American notes, “are often withheld under the guise of commercial confidentiality.”
Peter Gøtzche, a researcher at Cochrane and co-author of the study, argues “[a]ll this secrecy actually costs human lives.” Though the EMA eventually provided data after being publicly accused of mismanagement, the FDA has still not complied with researchers’ requests.
“It’s deeply unethical when patients volunteer to benefit science, and then we let drug companies decide that we cannot get access to the raw data,” Gøtzsche said. “The testing of drugs should be a public enterprise.” This sentiment highlights the concerns raised by the study’s findings. Though misreporting and buried data were acknowledged in media reports, few linked these practices to what is, in many circles, commonly known: pharmaceutical companies pay researchers to “discover” outcomes favorable to them — and the FDA, plagued by a revolving door with industry, is evidently unconcerned with the validity of such studies. The agency is deserving of further skepticism and blame considering it refused to share its data with the Cochrane researchers.
Though the link between antidepressant use and suicidal tendencies in children and adolescents has long been known — the FDA began issuing black box warnings in 2004 — the Cochrane investigation found the increased incidences of aggression were not previously recognized. The FDA does not issue warnings regarding potential aggression as a result of taking antidepressants, and psychologists have criticized the agency for its weak approval process and low quality standard for scientific research on psychiatric drugs. Though the conclusions of researchers do not prove a definitive causal relationship between antidepressants and aggressive and suicidal behavior, they warrant further study and more data, as the authors caution.
Joanna Moncrieff, a researcher and psychiatrist at London College who was not involved in the BMJ study, said, “This is obviously important in the debate about school shootings in the [U.S.] and in other places where the perpetrators are frequently taking antidepressants.” Moncrieff has conducted her own research into the efficacy of antidepressants.
According to data from the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, “a non-profit, non-political, non-religious mental health watchdog,” over eight million children in the United States, alone, take psychiatric drugs. Over two million take antidepressants — and nearly 700,000 of them are between the ages of six and twelve. As of 2013, over 45,000 children between ages four and five, and over 46,000 children aged two to three are prescribed antidepressants. Over 26,000 babies younger than a year old are prescribed the pills, as well. This widespread use makes it even more concerning the FDA will not release the studies it uses to approve them.
Given the complicity of regulatory agencies with behemoth pharmaceutical companies, it is unsurprising that data showing adverse side effects has been suppressed. Considering the Cochrane study’s findings, however, it’s clear independent scientists — as opposed to those funded by pharmaceutical companies — are only beginning to discover the potential hazards of antidepressants.
“My view is that we really don’t have good enough evidence that antidepressants are effective, and we have increasing evidence that they can be harmful,” Moncrieff said. “So we need to stop this increasing trend of prescribing them.”
As Sharma, the study’s lead author, admitted, “I’m actually kind of scared about how bad the actual situation would be if we had the complete data.”
This article (Analysis Shows Pharma Corps, FDA Collude to Push Dangerous Antidepressants on Youth) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Elizabeth Montag and theAntiMedia.org. Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11 pm Eastern/8 pm Pacific. Image credit: Fillmore Photography. If you spot a typo, please email the error and name of the article at [email protected].
so those of us that are on one of these drugs, and have been for a few years now, I noticed the aggression and increase in suicidal tendencies. but my psychiatrist keeps saying its my body adjusting and that it will level out eventually. either that or it results in an increase in dosage, or even adding another medication to the list. for those that are curious (or if it will help with your answering me) I am currently taking Zoloft, trazidone, kepra, remeron and periot(for acid reflux and heartburn). what should I be doing different? I only went to these doctors for help but it seems to be bringing more trouble then anything.
Worse than your average drug pusher, on top of that they’re nothing other than quacks.
You feel the same way as millions.
It is hard to stop taking them,
But It’s far worse on them,
it takes a long time,
but you can get better. (somewhat).
Keppra is an anti- convulsant. Remeron is an anti- depressant that lowers the seizure threshold. Seems counter productive.
I had 10 Grand Mal Seizures during the co administration. Seizure count was lowered when Remeron was discontinued.
Topic sentence in one of the paragraphs, ” Complicity of regulatory agencies with Big Pharma …..
the only thing you can do is learn, teach yourself neuro-psychology. learn what the cortisol endorphine equilibrium is, and what screws with it, the only thing that can really set it straight again (after drug addiction, legal or not, or long term sleeplessness or simple extreme stress it gets deregulated) is sleeping and eating well, magnesium in high doses will help with anxiety (i take 1gram in the morning and 1g at night.)the rest is mental strength: optimism loads of it, it’ll take a good year to get back to normal. (but depending on what meds you’re on and their dosage it can be quite dangerous to stop them too quickly ( stimulant psychosis is the aftereffect ) so lower the doses with your doctor before doing anything else
This isn’t true in the U.S.. There are clear warnings about this in all of the literature and it has also been the focus in the media.
That’s NOT true. I was never warned either verbally by my doctor or within the literature accompanying my prescription. Anti depressants nearly ruined my life. I will never take any kind of anti depressant ever again.
Zombies…and forced scripts on the weakest
they change me, I cant recognize myself…
Psychiatric neuroleptics, benzodiazepines and the like are Not Cures but are a tool for Social Control. Many of theses pharmaceuticals have suicidal tendencies, fatalities and homocidal tendencies as listed Side Effects.
None of these drugs are meant to be prescribed for more than two weeks, however, many have been prescribed them ‘for life’.
Many general physicians automatically prescribe these poisons because they get a monetary bonus from the big Pharmaceutical Companies.
For more information on this Industry of Death please go to CITIZENS COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS cchr.org
Smoke weed, its the universal natural medication! 😀
It’s not being kept from us. This information has been out there for years. If you read the inserts in the package the info is right there. The risk has only been associated with teenagers and is specific to certain antidepressants. Antidepressants save many lives daily. They can also REDUCE aggression because depression itself can cause anything from mild irritation to murderous rage. Finally, remember that correlation does not equal causation. When humans are involved there are too many confounding factors to conclusively say that x causes y. Do some balanced research and don’t only read these emotive articles.
I’ve never been an advocate of giving these kinds of drugs to anyone under the age of 25, when the brain is still forming. They’ve worked wonders for me, but I had to try several before I found the right one. And I never took them until my fifties, when a career loss and menopause made it necessary. Therapy with a good counselor (had to go through a couple before I found the right one for me) is also extremely helpful.