A Catalonian Anon reports from inside the autonomous community that is fighting for its independence.
Currently, the media is falsely portraying the events occurring in Catalonia in order to change people’s perception of the conflict. Catalonia is a region in Europe, currently under Spanish rule, that hopes to gain independence.
By now, many of you are aware of the political unrest going on in Catalonia. However, your understanding of the situation and the details of what is happening depends on where you’ve got your information.
The Spanish state has negatively influenced the media by blaming the Catalan government for the political unrest. For instance, the Spanish state claims the Catalan government is staging a coup.
Claims have been made that the people living in the Catalan region do not want to breakaway from Spain. However, the Spanish government and media fail to recognize that the people of Catalonia elected the government officials due to their pro-independence stances [1].
This false portrayal is just one example. While some small news outlets report the situation as honestly as possible, others are misleading the public with misinformation.
The media is assigning equal blame to both sides. Many outlets have stated that this conflict is simply a clash of two nationalisms where both sides are unwilling to negotiate [2]. However, this is grossly inaccurate.

It’s true that there are radicals on both sides of this issue, but it is important to note that both sides are not refusing to negotiate. Instead, the Spanish government has met the region of Catalonia with violence and an unwillingness to negotiate, while Catalans have attempted to peacefully negotiate for years.
For example; in 2006, the Catalan parliament proposed amendments to Catalonia’s constitution that would have given Catalonia more autonomy [3]. The Spanish president at the time said he would support whichever amendments the majority of parliament supported [4].
The president failed to follow through with his claims. Instead, he asked for the right to first modify the proposed amendments before attempting to ratify them in the Spanish parliament.
Catalans successfully passed the modified amendments through both parliaments, while also overwhelmingly passing a referendum. However, the Spanish opposition was not in favor of Catalonia’s desired degree of autonomy.
The attempt at peacefully negotiate for autonomy continued for 6 years. In 2012, after years of attempts, Catalonia veered towards independence.
Over the last five years, the Catalan government has no longer tried to negotiate – Catalans have asked for a referendum on independence repeatedly, but the Spanish government always says ‘no.’ Every attempt at dialogue has been shut down.
Thus, it is not that the Catalan side is not willing to compromise, as reported in the news. Catalans are just tired of trying, and being told ‘no.’

It is important to note that the degree of autonomy the Catalans were asking for has been given to other regions of Spain. It was shocking that the Spanish government rejected Catalonia’s requested degree of autonomy, while also allowing other regions in Spain to be more autonomous [5].
The Spanish central government has shut down Catalonian laws that have nothing to do with independence. This is to prove a point; they are more powerful. Laws that have been shut down include laws combating discrimination and poverty [7] [8].
Thus, two of the most repeated sound bites – that it’s a two-sided issue, and that Catalonia already has a lot of autonomy – are false. So why are news outlets pushing it through?
Reducing popular support abroad is a good way to stop Catalonia from getting independence. Even though the French president spoke out against Catalonia, polls have shown that a majority of French people would be okay with recognizing secession. This was a huge blow to the Spanish, who had secured support of the French president. Since then, the Spanish government and news media outlets have tried to influence the French’s stance on the issue.
The media is misinforming people in order to prevent popular opinion from turning towards Catalonia, and asking other governments to help. The media and most governments are afraid of the power that people have and do not want this mighty group to be recognized.
Furthermore, here are numerous regions in Europe that have shown interest in gaining independence. Other country leaders, such as the French president, are concerned how these regions will react to Catalonia’s attempt to break away from Spain.

The realization that even under military occupation people can resist a tyrannical government, could inspire others. The media and various governments have decided to stop that from happening. And they are willing to prolong the suffering of the Catalans in order to do so.
After five long years, the government called for a referendum. Spanish troops occupied the region, and tried to intercept ballot boxes and block voting points. People stayed all weekend in the voting places so that they could not be shut down.
In the end, Spanish troops used violence, injuring 850 [6], and leaving one dead. To claim the referendum did not happen is not only false; it is going against all those people who sacrificed so much.
People do not know the power they have, and the media and some governments in Europe are trying to make it stay that way. To them, Catalonia’s suffering is just collateral damage.
Report by: AnonFire
[1] Spain: Catalan Separatists Win Election retrieved from https://www.thedailybeast.com/spain-catalan-separatists-win-election
[2] Catalonia vs Spain, a clash of two nationalisms retrieved from https://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/patrice-de-beer/catalonia-vs-spain-clash-of-two-nationalisms
[3] Reform of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia retrieved from https://www.parlament.cat/document/cataleg/150259.pdf
[4] La frase de apatero que acabo dando alas al independentismo retrieved from http://www.abc.es/elecciones/catalanas/2015/abci-palabras-zapatero-independentismo-201509250812.html
[5] Statue of Autonomy of the Basque Country retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statute_of_Autonomy_of_the_Basque_Country
[6] Over 840 people infjured in Catalonia during referendum retrieved from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-spain-politics-catalonia-injuries/over-840-people-injured-in-catalonia-during-referendum-catalonia-regional-government-idUSKCN1C61RX?il=0
[7] TC partially strikes down Catalonia’s Equality Law retrieved from https://www.ara.cat/en/TC-partially-Catalonias-Equality-Law_0_1665433608.html
[8] Spanish Court suspends Catalan law’s articles oriented toward avoiding evictions retrieved from http://www.catalannews.com/politics/item/spanish-court-suspends-catalan-law-s-articles-oriented-toward-avoiding-evictions
Perdon, un muerto?
Great article but, luckily, there was no deads the 1 oct. So please change it before you get disauthorised by spanish nationalists 🙂
You are writing over a resolution, whats had 37% voters. Believe me the other 63% are against it. What you are doing is not better, then the popular media.
The most separation movements are funded by people like Sorros. Their agenda is a chaos in europe and support and stabilze the US empire. With articeles like this one, you are playing in their hands. Thats it
Right now, 48,7% is in favour of independence, while 43%is against. Although the referendum did not show a “real” majority, with 40% (not 37%) voting, this does not mean that those who did not vote were automatically against.
Good analysis overall. There is one more thing no media outside Spain are talking about (and few media in Spain at this time): what has been dubbed “Operación Cataluña”. In it, the former minister of internal affairs had a whole set-up going to discredit Catalan politicians. There is actual proof this happened and the former chief of the Spanish police is currently being investigated in relationship with this. Just one more proof of the anti catalan attitude of the Spanish government. By the way, this minister is no longer active as such, but has not been indited for what was grossly illegal activity against democratically chosen political leaders. The Spanish governmenr saw to it that nothing happened to him.
Is not true we are a majority in Catalan Parlament and Kafka is lying and he knows it.. he is a GD troll he counts for the NO people that can not vote of total population the kids under 18 do not vote!! … also he counts for the NO people that wants a referéndum but not the indepenedence…is very easy 80% of the people wants to vote…not Spaniard fascist hooligans..because they know they will not win…JUST VOTE …A TRUE DEMOCRACY.
Free Catalan Political Prisoners!! We don´t really care if you support or not the Indepenence … is just a political issue…..but do you support FASCISM ??? Europe is supporting it !! Do Europe support 10 people jailed because are pro indepenedence political leaders?? is a FK SHAME … You have about 3 million people asking for help … and we feel EUROPEAN … is very sad…
Thank you very much for this post.
Rojava: Turkey, ISIS, the US, Europe, the Syrian regime, and Iran are all against Rojava’s assertion to becoming a federated region inside Syria.
Hi, I am from Spain and not a big fan of politics but after what I’ve seen on my own country these days and the riots in Barcelona I feel the necessity to inform all of you who wants a REAL perception of Spain situation these days to deny what this article says about.
There arent numbers of who is or who isnt willing to independence in Catalonia, since the Government of the country hasnt never do an official “pool” about this topic. The “Govern” from Catalonia from one day to another set boxes (not official, believe me) in schools and move the civilians to “vote” even if the votation wasnt official. As you can imagine the participation was of 37% of the people so every number they use is counting without the 67% of people who didnt vote that day. And the day after, even if the people wasnt really sure about what was right or wrong, or how the “Catalonian Country” was gonna be maid (coins, legal procedures, for giving you an example), the Govern from Catalonia proposed the independence (yeah, with that 37% of participation) and the rest of the politicians who were in the Parlament and were against that (because in our Constitution, Catalonia hasnt the Right of Self-Independence like Lichtestein so they were breaking the law or just gonna say proceding without any laws) Sorry Spanish people always do large phrases, my bad! As I was saying, these politicians left and asked the Spanish Government to act.
Today 16th October 2018, I am seeing all the news in Spanish from Catalonian people telling the rest of my country that teenagers from 16 to 20 age are breaking the streets, burning trash and trees. Dunno how many of the people are against to vote for Independence or who in favor but everybody is against these teenagers who are spamming messages in all languages saying Police is hurting them when they are breaking their own city, making people feel fear. So please, take information from more websites, not only here because I can tell you there a lot of different points of view. Not only this post or not only my reply, but dont judge until getting a few more information. Sorry for my bad English. BR from Spain