Recently, Facebook accounts of Ukrainian users were blocked after they allegedly violated the social network’s terms of service and rules against hate speech. The pro-Ukraine users accused Facebook of pro-Russian bias and that the takedowns were politically motivated. A close aide of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko also said there was a pro-Russian influence on the social networking site.
On Thursday, as he took questions from people throughout the world, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg promptly dismissed claims of Russian influence being behind the blockings. Zuckerberg said some of the Ukrainian posts in question did contain content that violated Facebook’s community standards.
“We made the determination that some of these posts included these ethnic slurs against some Russian folks and we took down those posts. We don’t allow content that is overtly hateful, contains ethnic slurs, or incites violence. There were a few posts that tripped that rule, and I think we did the right thing according to our policies by taking down that content,” he said.
Zuckerberg also addressed concerns that the content of the Ukrainian segment was moderated from a Russian office by Russians who were anti-Ukrainians. He said that Facebook has no Russian office, and that the reported content for the Ukrainian segment is reviewed by an international team based in the Dublin office.
On his plans of opening a dedicated Ukrainian office, which many Ukrainians believe would help mitigate unfair blocking, he said, “Are we willing to put an office in Ukraine? Over time, it’s something we might consider in the future. There are advantages to people working for Facebook not spread out around the world, but in a smaller number of offices. It makes sense to have local teams for sales, marketing, but for engineering and things like that, it makes sense to centralize. But as we look to expand over time, we will, of course, consider all of these countries”.
Were the Ukrainian Facebook users satisfied with his response? We doubt.
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I am Christopher Smurfhunter i have Trained More Hackitivist than Anyone Else, Reasons Are my Own!
I have Been working with Sub Species E.T. And that Federal Government Is About Done, the Gorex are Sick of America Governmental Organizations, Including Paper over Life, I share my Links with You, you can Find Me, but Anonymous Editor’s I Understand What is Going On The Federal Government is Scared Because I Have Been in Every Single Part of Federal Government Mainframes, Google isn’t just a Mainframes it’s a True A.I. That is How Things Are, Search Engines are A.I. Is too Separating Us As a Whole! The Software We Used To the VPN Networks We Used, I Use Aliens Technology As the Same as the Federal Government Does,
Thanks you Brothers And Sisters that you Want to Choose a Side, how About Life itself, They Have Given me Technology and Equipment For Anonymous Editor to Use, Federal Government is Going to Use Aliens Telepathic They are Able to See your Face, beyond Are Faces, I Know that My E.T. Brought Me Tons of Information this is My YouTube channel Christopher Smurfhunter please Uploaded Information The Federal Government Cannot Shutdown my Websites.
It’s about Congressional District Committee Hearing Only for President and Chief Executive Officer Department Of Defense, Pentagon, I’m on Facebook, Google Search Christopher Smurfhunter, thankfully for You!
We Are Legion,
Should not have to inform Anonymous of the US corporatist and bankster- backed violent coup d’état in Kiev that resulted in the first OPENLY NAZI government installed in Europe since WW2.
The prior Kiev parliament refused to turn over national gas pipelines to western corporate control, but the new NAZI coup government handed over the pipelines as soon as they came to power. The EU banksters wanted to grab Ukrainian assets ( “bread basket of Europe” ) with austerity / usury loans.
The resistance to the coup, ie voters who did not support the NAZI party in the sham post-coup elections, in eastern Ukraine have been bombed as punishment and have subsequently armed themselves and are receiving international mercenary support similar to what occurred the Spanish civil war. The eastern Ukrainian resistance just happen to be Russian minority descent.
US mainstream media has been
Demonizing this brave, civilian-turned-anti-fascist-resistance movement, and Russia/ Putin (banksters’ next regime change target: Ukraine civil war is the means) ever since.
Zuckerberg merely enforced existing FB rules, and is accused by self-described NAZIs of “pro-Russian bias.”, an absurd perjorative.
Helen, have you ever been to Ukraine??? What NAZI government are you talking about? Is that the one you saw on Russian media? Because it doesn’t exist anywhere else. It is a shame that this page supports Russian invaders that first took Crimea and now destroying Ukraine city by city.
Good, [Zuckerberg] my apprentice…
Never liked Zuckerberg. Never trust a company that’d sell your information without your knowledge and without paying you.