Lasers have been known to cut things. Or have always been used on guns for accuracy. But Apple has taken laser on a completely different scale. They are developing a laser based system for their future iPhone’s which will allow those devices to understand their surroundings.
Currently this technology is with NASA and they use it to create detailed 3D maps and measure the biological material of living or dead organisms in the forest. While the US government uses it to explore inaccessible areas of Alaska.
The question that pops in everybody’s head is that why Apple wants to fit laser in an iPhone? Well this is what the company has to say, “Conventional laser measuring devices measure only the distance from the device to a given surface. These devices are unable to measure distances between multiple points that are separate from the device and therefore require the user to place the device [in] specific locations for which measurements are desired. This can be difficult in, for example, a furnished room with items that restrict access to all parts of the room.”
Utilizing a laser-mapping application, a user will pick a mode of estimation ‒ surface, volume, level surface or bended surface mapping. The telephone will utilize its GPS, Wi-Fi, cell information and a movement locator to make the gadget’s directions, then the laser will assemble information as it traversed the surface, the patent application clarifies. The client can then add more information to permit the laser to produce a guide. The iPhone application will then make a picture on the presentation, which could be put away or exchanged to different gadgets.
The framework meets expectations by measuring the time it takes for the laser bar to be reflected again to a sensor mounted on the iPhone, permitting the application to compute the separation between the gadget and the item.
Notwithstanding, Apple’s application to the US Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) abandons one term perceptibly truant, as indicated by Patently Apple. “While Apple is mindful so as to not specify the statement 3d, the way of the estimations would propose that the information gathered in three hub mode would make a 3d model,” the site said. “It’s doubtlessly one of Apple’s most intriguing innovations of the year.”
The patent for the laser mapping framework, which was distributed by the PTO on Thursday, would apply to cell phones, media players, other handheld versatile gadgets ‒ maybe including the Apple Watch and iPad.
The Daily Mail notes that there may be a drawback to the little, speedy mapping innovation: Such a development may bring about galleries and other open venues needing to forbid excited Apple fans from checking everything in sight.
Is this real? It looks kinda like a scam for me.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM4g6lqIR-M its from a video.
Title and image are both misleading and bias. This article has NOTHING to do with holographic screens. All it talks about is mapping, which, as i last checked, isn’t a holographic screen, nor does it look anything like the picture.
Imagine if the phone can map a room then project light, you could use it for a star map or an animated scene that flows past you through the room. The animation could go all around you. The images could be projected and adjusted to the room for perspective. Neat stuff
So if the “FBI” wants to map you room with all the people inside and also seeing “what you are actually doing” the new technology will come in handy! 😉
Buy Apple guys! 😛
Hey I was wondering if it was possible to get credit for the picture you used for the 3d iphone thing. This originated from my youtube video here:
and where’s the holographic display part?
Fake. That is an edited video by Bakers tuts. look it up.
hack freshrp
I would love to have one of these.
Screw Apple!!! Buy a Banana! it lasts longer!
Apple work hand in hand with FBI and other federal agencies.