Backed against the wall by a documentary film: how will Putin react?


A documentary on Frontline, has investigated the corruption rife within the Russian government.[1] Arguably, according to the narrators of the one hour film, government in its true sense, doesn’t exist. It’s a single man ruling with an iron fist. One who learnt at an early age, in a one room apartment in St Petersburg, that to jump when cornered, is the key to survival.

The rat in the apartment, that Putin speaks of in his biography, taught him the lesson that if one has their back to the wall, then to attack is the only option.[2] It’s true of Putin. Everyone who is familiar with the President – his mannerisms, his attitude, and his KGB grooming that has led to the art of manipulation – will know that Vladimir Putin, is not a man who will ever back down.

In the current climate of EU and U.S. imposed sanctions, one of the richest men in the world – to a tune of a reported $40 billion, Putin exercises the very nature that commanded his power in the past. The Obama administration are all too aware that their actions are backing a man into a corner; a man, who can disturbingly calculate his situation to the very last inch.

We cannot forget the environment in which Putin was brought up in, nor the one that groomed him for presidency during Yeltsin’s term in office. After all, one of Putin’s first official duties as President was to ensure and grant immunity to Yeltsin, from all investigations. One mustn’t forget the bombings in Moscow, late one night in 1999, either. The Russian equivalent to 9/11, when four bombs left hundreds dead. Prime Minister Putin swore revenge, and rebels in Chechnya were to blame. The Second Chechen War ensued, rising the unknown Putin to a high stage. Investigations were conducted years later. The Chechen connection dubious; the bombings perhaps caused by the Russian FSB (modern day KGB), an organization once led by Putin a year before his terms in government.[3] Several people who attempted to investigate the bombings, suddenly died.[4]

Those who have spoken against Putin, including one of the once richest business men in Russia, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, are now in exile.[5] These are some of the traits displayed by Vladimir Putin – a man unwavering in his need for power, the President who may remain in power until 2024, with the introduction of 6 year terms.[6]

When he is in a corner, that is when he is dangerous.” How do you contain a man who believes he has nothing to lose?

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[1] [Front Line]. Retrieved from

[2] ibid. (Timestamp 51:22)

[3] ibid. (Timestamp 22:55)

[4] ibid. (Timestamp 24:23)

[5] ibid. (Timestamp 29:16)

[6] ibid. (Timestamp 44:30)


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