The Bahamas has issued an official warning to citizens to use extreme caution if traveling to the U.S. in light of the recent police shootings.
Racial tension has spiked dramatically in the U.S. in the past week due to the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. Both African-American individuals were killed by police in seemingly unjust circumstances, which is why riots have broken out across the nation calling for an end to police shootings. The anger caused by systemic police abuse even led to the murder of five police officers.
As a result of the violence, foreign countries have begun warning travelers to use extreme caution if traveling to America.
In an official press release which was released on July 8, The Bahamas’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration stated the following:
“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration has taken a note of the recent tensions in some American cities over shootings of young black males by police officers.
At the commencement of the Independence holiday weekend, many Bahamians will no doubt use the opportunity to travel, in particular to destinations in the United States.
We wish to advise all Bahamians traveling to the US but especially to the affected cities to exercise appropriate caution generally. In particular young males are asked to exercise extreme caution in affected cities in their interactions with the police. Do not be confrontational and cooperate.”
The Ministry asked citizens to allow consular offices for The Bahamas to deal with any issues, and directed:
“Do not get involved in political or other demonstrations under any circumstances and avoid crowds.”
The advisory may come as a surprising, considering the U.S. has routinely issued travel advisories for The Bahamas and other neighboring countries, reports The Anti-Media. However, it’s not the first advisory issued to citizens of other countries.
Russia also issued travel advisories to the U.S. in 2013 concerning legal threats that could endanger Russian citizens. Reportedly, the country mentioned “judicial proceedings … of a biased character,” and accused the U.S. of “overstepping and potentially violating international law in its treatment of Russian citizens.”
If Americans allow the recent shooting at Pulse nightclub in Florida, the deaths of the two African-American men, and the fatal attack against police officers in Dallas, TX, to incite a race war, other countries will undoubtedly follow suit with similar warnings to travelers.
The U.S.’ only hope, in light of an election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, is to unite out of mutual understanding and respect, not be separated by fear.
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