By Michael Snyder at anonews.co
When Barack Obama speaks to the public, it is very rare that he does so without a specific purpose in mind. So why is he urging Americans “to be prepared for a disaster” all of a sudden? On May 31, Obama took time out of his extremely busy schedule to deliver an address at the FEMA National Response Coordination Center in Washington. During his speech, he stressed that every American is responsible for preparing for disasters, and that includes “having an evacuation plan” and “having a fully stocked disaster supply kit.” These are basic steps that I have been encouraging people to do for years, but if they won’t listen to me, perhaps they will listen to the man currently residing in the White House. The following excerpt from Obama’s speech comes directly from the official White House website…
One of the things that we have learned over the course of the last seven and a half years is that government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen’s responsibility to be prepared for a disaster. And that means taking proactive steps, like having an evacuation plan, having a fully stocked disaster supply kit. If your local authorities ask you to evacuate, you have to do it. Don’t wait.
This speech was timed to coincide with the beginning of the hurricane season, although hurricanes have not posed much of a threat lately.
In fact, a major hurricane has not made landfall in the United States for 127 straight months.
But without a doubt, we all need to be preparing for disaster. Hurricanes can create a short-term emergency that can last for a few days, but there are other threats that could create a major emergency that could potentially last for an extended period of time. That list of potential threats includes a major volcanic eruption, a natural or engineered pandemic, a west coast earthquake, a New Madrid earthquake, a tsunami on either the east or west coasts, a meteor impact, Islamic terror, war, an EMP burst that takes down the power grid, cyberwarfare, economic collapse, and civil unrest resulting in the imposition of martial law.
Of course the items that I just mentioned are not mutually exclusive. In fact, in different scenarios we could actually see multiple events happen in rapid succession.
It is interesting to note that during his speech Barack Obama also noted that the American people seem to have become very complacent about getting prepared…
And what we’ve been seeing is some public complacency slipping in; a large portion of people not having preparedness kits, not having evacuation plans.
This is exactly what I have been noticing as well. There appears to be a tremendous amount of apathy out there, and relatively few people really seem to feel much urgency to get prepared these days.
My contacts in the emergency preparedness industry have been telling me that sales are way down right now. There was a big peak last fall, but since then it is like interest in prepping has just fallen off the map.
Ultimately, those companies are going to be okay because interest will pick back up shortly as global events begin to spiral completely out of control. However, of much greater concern is the fact that people have not been using this period of relative calm constructively.
Just like we have seen in Venezuela, time to prepare eventually runs out. And someday there will be millions of parents that are absolutely horrified when their children come to them crying out for food and they don’t have anything to give to them because they didn’t heed the warnings and they didn’t get prepared.
When that day arrives, many of those families may be forced to turn to whatever help the government is offering at the time.
One more thing that I found particularly noteworthy about Obama’s speech was that he said that there is now “a FEMA app” that can direct you to the nearest “FEMA shelter” in the event of a major emergency.
If you need information about how to put together an evacuation plan, how to put together a disaster preparedness kit, as Craig said, we’ve got an app for everything now. We have a FEMA app in English and in Spanish to help you prepare your family for a disaster. You can update the National Weather Service alerts. You can get safety tips for more than 20 kinds of hazards. It provides you directions to nearby shelters.
take it for what it’s worth … America is fucked.
When I was a kid, America was – like – a big brother – we revered America, I cried when I heard JFK was murdered and ran and told my parents.
corporations have poisoned much of American land, stolen all of it from the Indigenous people; and corporate America is directly responsible hundreds of millions of lives lost, disabled and diminished …
You guys should have seen the writing on the wall at New Orleans, where the ‘richest country in the world’ stood by and did almost nothing .. then the flooding in New York and FEMA ‘running out of fresh water’ FFS
Obama is giving you a heads-up, unless you political connections and money, you are on your own …
JFK was murdered by the system. By a power behind the government. By the bank system. JFK created a dollar Fundamentin on the states rights. The private Bank FED saw it’s power fall with the Kennedy dollar and murdered him. JFK was the first one standing up against the system, that still controls all presidents in all countries today. The Kennedy dollar is now forbidden in the USA.
You’re speaking as if that’s the fact. That’s only an opinion of yours. Stop spreading opinions since a lot of people are gonna take it as a fact.
I totally agree with Benjamine.
JFK was murdered by the (government), By the bank system.
Amazing when President Kennedy was going to announce that there was a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child and he was going to come out with this plot 7 days later he was assassinated. Gee I wonder who stood more to lose if in fact he has come out with this plot? Think on it
I agree Benjamin. It’s also amazing that when President Kennedy was going to expose a plot to enslave every Man, woman and child he was assassinated just seven days later. Also, I find it hard to believe that when a person is shot from behind as Kennedy was his brains were splattered on the trunk of the limo. Think on it.
I approve this message
We already have the disaster. It is our president
I agree, Marcy!
After reading this I can see the truth in it .Yes I dont want my family to starve and I want some kind of medical kit for an emergency and I also see a way of mass money harvesting for big business to get people scared and make them spend money.just think if 50.000.000 Americans just went out after Obamas speech and spent $500.00 each on canned food and medicine extra fuel ect thats a lot of money.and where it all going to . its a pity we have to be stressed into such actions. the real disasters started along time ago, when we should have been looking after our communities health, and well being our jobs and the direction we want to evolve as modern day homosapiens.you see we can be caring righteous happy human beings if we want and not some mindless compulsive consumer being harvested by big business .
Good article and reminder on preparedness. Don’t forget 1 gal. of water per day per person!
But FEMA camps? We’re seeing camps with barbed wire on the TOP of the outside fencing, wire pointed INWARDS. It’s not keeping adversaries OUT; it’s keeping people IN, like prisons.
Would like to hear any suggestions you may have on where to go if we don’t want to go to FEMA questionable “camps.”
Fema camps are for government prisoner
I find it entertaining that last week Obama is telling america to prepare for a disaster then this week he endorses Hillary Clinton for president. Do you think he is saying something there?
He’s been the disaster since “08”, he’s the reason EVERYTHING (TERRORIST ATTACKS) have been happening on US soil, more have happened under him than ANY other president!!!
To go from being SUPPOSEDLY peaceful, to going & shooting up a public place & killing people only means, 1 he was a good pretender by being a good terrorist recruit & living among the infidels, acting like them, just to kill them OR 2 he was recruited by isis & after pledging his loyalty, they gave him this task!! Then this this SO-CALLED peaceful Muslim woman & ALL the other SO-CALLED MUSLIMS who’ve attacked military bases & recruiting center, have been so peaceful!!! Yeah…Either way their terrorists & our Founding Fathers & presidents BEFORE “08” would have POINTED them out, kept them in check, if you suspect it, then you watch it, even if there MIGHT be those that haven’t done anything YET, you don’t let your guard down!!! Just like if someone raised wolf pups, lion or tiger cubs, even though their hand fed, loved & SEEMINGLY loving back, you KNOW their nature, you KNOW their predators, you wouldn’t send in small kids around them to play with them, you WOULD NOT let your guard down, even though they haven’t EVER shown any aggression or attacked anyone, you wouldn’t turn your back & treat them like regular cats & dogs!! Omama treating Islam like its HARMLESS, KNOWING that there are MANY MANY MANY, who are killing in it name, EVERYWHERE, is like telling people & kids, lions, tigers & wolves are harmless if raised by humans!!!! We don’t need to be guarded or watchful around hand raised tigers, lions & wolves!!! Islam is no different, its a political ideology with bits of religion that’s killed & enslaved MILLIONS, upon MILLIONS, from the time BEFORE America was ever a thought, it was the reason for the Crusades, it’s a brutal practice still carried out to this day, compared to ALL other religions, islam the only one, that’s still KILLING people, NO one today, or even since America was started killed people in the name of God, like islam has, now there might have been some who was supposed to be Christian, that’s killed people, but its NEVER been said, God commands them to Kill, burn, blow up, shove off buildings all those who stand against them or doesn’t convert to Christianity!!! Just because there MIGHT be SOME who APPEAR to be peaceful Muslims, doesn’t mean you should EVER stop being watchful, keeping your guard up, you wouldn’t do it around tigers, lions or wolves, Islam is no different, that’s what omama has been trying to do, which is why there’s been MORE TERRORIST ATTACKS done on US soil under him, than any other president!!! That’d be like telling people in Africa to pay no attention to the lions, only some kill, they wasn’t raised around people, the ones raised around people are civilized & peaceful lions…How many more attacks & DEATHS would there be, if they let their guard down, started treating them & pretending their like house cats?!?!!! Treating islam like that has resulted in what we’re seeing today!!! WE SHOULD NEVER LET OUR GUARD DOWN & ALWAYS watchful & we should be even more suspect of a president who tells its people, to pay no attention to the lions!!! We don’t need guns against the lions, we are the reason lions attack?!?!! We need to be questioning ourselves why a president would endanger the people, UNLESS he’s a lion in disguise!?!!!!
This scum’s plan is coming into view for martial law but he will be very surprised when the true american’s revolt.
In fact, a major hurricane has not made landfall in the United States for 127 straight months.
2017 ..