by Sophie McAdam at trueactivist.com
It’s taken a while to get warmed up, but finally, voters are ‘feeling the Bern’. Some commentators even claim Sanders now has a strong chance in the race for the White House.
All the people dismissing Bernie Sanders as unelectable might want to take a look at the results of a poll out yesterday, which show the Vermont socialist surging ahead of rivals Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz.
Results from Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist polls carried out between Jan. 2 and Jan 7 in Iowa and New Hampshire show a clear lead for Sanders, who the media have generally ignored in favor of covering Donald Trump’s ridiculous antics, questionable behavior and inappropriate comments.
As Cenk Ugur from The Young Turks points out in this video report, Bernie Sanders is the only candidate not being bought with corporate donation money. In fact, Sanders called out 18 CEOs for corruption, and even turned down ‘poster boy for greed’ Martin Shrkeli’s offer to support his campaign. These displays of authenticity are valuable to the millions of voters who want money taken out of politics and a leader that fights for citizens’ rights over corporate greed. Sanders has promised to fight Monsanto, push for GMO labeling and support organic farmers. He slammed Trump’s sexist comments about Hillary Clinton, and has vowed to fight for women’s rights. Sanders has also pledged to tackle climate change and wealth inequality, create a living wage for Americans, reform Wall Street, and make war a final resort, not standard foreign policy.
It’s no wonder so many people love Bernie Sanders…but is he electable? Looking at the poll results from this month, it wouldn’t be too optimistic to say yes, he is. Clinton is slightly ahead among likely Democratic voters in Iowa with a 48%-to-45% lead over Sanders, but the gap is closing fast. Sanders is beating her among likely primary voters in New Hampshire, with 50% support compared to Clinton’s 46%.
The New Hampshire poll interviewed 569 likely Republican primary voters and 425 likely Democratic primary voters, and the Iowa survey was conducted with 422 likely Democratic voters and 456 likely Republican voters. According to Time magazine, the margins of error of (plus or minus) percentage points given for each poll result are as follows: Iowa Democrats 4.8; Republicans 4.6. New Hampshire Republicans 4.1; Democrats 4.8. The lead by Bernie Sanders is within the poll’s margins of error. If Clinton (who employed a former Monsanto lobbyist to run her campaign) is defeated in Iowa, it’s a whole new ball game. Could this be the year the USA sees real change?
Here’s hoping! What do you think about Bernie Sanders? Let us know your comments below, and please share this article!
This article (Berning Down The House! New Poll Shows Sanders Could Win In 2016) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com
The Clinton’s have to much baggage for the Republicans to attack, and attack isall they have left. Bernie is pretty much like Obama a clean machine, no scandalous history, no Lewinski, no Benghazi.. no Monsanto executive running his campaign. I think the more Clinton talks the more voters dislike her.
Bernie Sanders would raise taxes on every citizen in the United States, not just the rich. The rich would simply be taxes the highest. He has said in political debates that he would not quite initiate the 90% tax bracket as Sweden has once done. In fact when asked what the new tax bracket would look like in political debates he still answers “I have not figured that out yet”. I very important detail to not have figured out yet. He talks about free college and all of this. None of this is free, understand every citizen in the United States will be paying more in taxes to pay for things like this “free college”. If you want to hand over at least 50% of every pay check in taxes to the federal government then you should vote for Sanders. Personally I do no need to be giving any more of my money then I already do to the federal government. Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist. Look up the tax brackets in Socialist countries…..
Scandinavian socialist countries have very high taxes, some over 50%. However, one year fully paid parental leave is covered (for both parents), high quality daycare is covered after the parent(s) return to work, high quality education is covered, no need for private schooling in order to get a good education (like I have to do in Rhode Island), higher education is covered (whether university, technical, or vocational), many vocational education programs include paid work (which is what Lufthansa does with their trainees), health care is covered and governments fund research, which make their health care system better… Hmmm see Cuban vaccines for lung cancer, there is also paid unemployment insurance and retraining if a person looses his/her job. No wonder they are the happiest people on Earth, not because they are prancing around singing all the time, but because the can work on whatever makes them happy without having to stress about not being able to afford all of the above for themselves and their families. Meanwhile, our roads and bridges are crumbling while we hold tight to the meager wages our union-killing companies are throwing our way while their profits go through the roof. You hold to your “rightous” conservative, selfish beliefs until everything around you crumbles. And I sincerely hope you aren’t one of the baby boomers who benefited from the GI bill after WWII, low interest housing loans for veterans, and Obama’s unemployment benefits extensions (like one of my cousins who sees what he gets as just benefits and what others get undeserved entitlements).
Thanks for trying to make Bernie look bad but No thanks…. Bernie Sanders makes much sense in all issues. and understand that a lot of the funding will come from the taxes that he will initiate on the Big Banks and Corporations who are NOT CURRENTLY paying their fair share to nothing at all and WE THE PEOPLE have to put a stop to the rampant abuses and unfair practices that are currently being allowed! We will most certainly achieve a big chunk of it by voting for Bernie Sanders as our next President! Feel the Bern! 😀
Wrong. Stop listening to MSM. Why are you even on here if you believe MSM. Anonymous is the antidote to MSM.
We’re planning to leave the US when I retire. If Bernie wins we might stick around.
These taxes are offset by the fact that -you’re not paying for insurance or paying to go to the hospital-. Police, fire, -=ambulance=-. How can people be so thick as to think this is not a critical service? You want to keep driving people into bankruptcy over cancer? Come on. This is easy. It’s the right thing to do.
The USA and the world is on a precipice of change. In the U.S. it is a paradigm shift. Will our focus be on war, power and greed or helping each other live productive, healthy and intelligent lives.
The rich and corporations steal the rest of the populations destiny’s, creative power and productivity so the 1 percent can fuel their greed.
If you don’t, than you belong in cage!
If he picks Elizabeth Warren as a running mate, it’s hard to imagine failure. Progressive Power!!
Democratic socialist
Get the label correct please and thank you
Which is a lot better than the current corporate fascist capitalism that the government/country is suffering from currently
A dedicated civil servants who encompasses what civic duty was supposed to be when our founding fathers outlined it. He knows why America is lagging behind every other industrial nation. Go Bernie go! FEEL THE BERN!
Raising taxes for needed services that will cause less health issues, less stress, and a better America, how can u not be for that. I’ll tell u how, cuz your a greedy conservative fat cat who thinks they r entitled to a better life than 90% of their harder working fellow Americans. Let’s get government back to striving to be a better nation and get away from this sense of entitlement we have been seeing in today’s youth more and more. No one person is better than another. Why does the GOP feel their time on this earth is worth more than yours or mine? We are way over governed as is, but its in our personal choices as Americans that get regulated instead of what’s best for the collective whole. I don’t give a damn if john q taxpayer wants to own 20 hunting rifles or if Mary Jane taxpayer likes a little reefer after work, if they are a productive member of our great nation and strive for betterment of it rather than find the loopholes and unneeded handouts, they should b allowed to pursue their happiness however they choose as long as it doesn’t interfere with another’s. GOP policies have long interfered with the majorities and its time to stand with Bernie and help bring this nation back to being the greatest in the world. Greed and wealth do not get to buy the presidency and head us into the downward spiral anymore. We are a nation on the brink but those few looking down instead of living it just can’t or won’t see it. You want to invest your millions GOP, start investing in what us, the vast majority do, in America’s future! And liberals, helping those that truly need it is just common sense, but make sure our hard earned dollars are spent on them, not on non-working but healthy 2 parent families with 6 kids who lack either the education or desire to be a part of the solution rather than the problem. Right wing, left, it doesn’t matter neither work anymore and haven’t in some time now. The only group we should b for is the overall betterment of the American people. From quality of living to technological advancement that helps us here at home. No matter what race, sex, religion or political party, see what Bernie sees, and that my fellow citizens is the big picture. If u can run and win with plain ol common sense, positive thinking, and hard work as your platform, then God, buddah, whomever your preference, help us all!