What is “BLACKBOx”? BLACKBOx is nothing more than a very simple penetration testing tool. It is just like all of the other pen-testing tools on the market, except BLACKBOx is rather light in comparison.
The features in which can be found while using BLACKBOx are rather amazing. There is a slew of information and penetration testing tools.
Starting off with BLACKBOx, we look at the typical ‘web hacking’ section. Here, we find some interesting brute forcing software applications such as:
- WordPress Bruteforce;
- Admin Page Finder;
- SSH Bruteforce;
- FTP Bruteforce.
We also can expect to see other useful tools to help us extract information. The tool that is used for this is Dnsinfo.
Now, in order to ‘exploit’ our targeted website, we have different choices we can take. These options are:
- Joomla Rce;
- Magento Rce;
- PrestaShop Exploit.
Naturally, we couldn’t have a true BLACKBOx without having any ‘dorking’ tools embedded, right? We have Google Dorker, as well as Bing Dorker, for any of our Dorking needs and demands.
If we are searching for a cracking application, BLACKBOx comes pre-equipped with Crack Hash MD5-SHA512.
However, though the cracking application is great, BLACKBOx is not letting us down with just one simple tool. For password cracking tools, there are plenty to choose from:
- MD5;
- SHA1;
- SHA224;
- SHA256;
- SHA384;
- SHA512;
- MSSQL2000;
- MSSQL2005;
- MySQL323;
- MySQL41;
- Orcale11.
If you are running a Linux machine, you can simply install the BLACKBOx by typing in the following:
- “sudo apt-get install python-passlib python-pexpect”
Once completed, use the following line to clone from BitBucket:
- “git clone https://[email protected]/darkeye/blackbox.git”
Once you have cloned the Git Image, we can navigate into the file by using:
- “cd blackbox”
Now we are in the directory of our Git Image. Let’s install it.
We start off by typing in:
- “chmod +x install”
Once complete, use:
- “sudo ./install”
and finally,
- “cd”
The last line will allow you to navigate around your new BLACKBOx. Alternatively, one could just simply download BLACKBOx from the official Download link HERE.
Sources: BitBucket, BitBucket (darkeye/blackbox).
This article (BLACKBOx – Simple Pen-Testing Framework) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.
Can I install it and use it on a Mac?
Hi Seems to be a good tool but little more explanation with examples would be great …
###Repository moved to github
######Repository is now in github : [BLACKBOx](https://github.com/darkeyepy/blackbox/)
I literally have no clue what you wrote
./install: line 7: pip: command not found
./install: line 8: pip: command not found
./install: line 9: pip: command not found
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/opt/blackbox/blackbox.py”, line 23, in
import requests,json,sys, time, re, os, base64, random,hashlib,timeit,ftplib,pexpect,urllib2,urllib
ImportError: No module named requests
we don’t exactly offer support for that, do we ? 😉
git clone https://github.com/darkeyepy/blackbox.git && cd blackbox && chmod +x install && sudo ./install && cd
dead link
BLACKBOx v2 is lacking requirements that is the reason why it does’nt work. so darkeye please return requrements in that text file.
Blackbox was never in offical git but link was.