Since it was officially announced that the British public had voted to leave the European Union, uncertainty and fear has loomed over the continent. In the UK, communities, friends and family have become divided by the historic result – a issue that appears to be also be flourishing across many other EU members.
But what would this mean for the EU? Well, according to a finance ministry strategy document, Germany fears the Brexit vote could potentially trigger a domino effect that could effectively end the European Union.
Once Britain officially leaves the EU – a process that can take up to two years – the nation will no longer be required to pay taxes to the EU. As a result of this change, Germany will be expected to pay an extra £2.44 billion a year to the annual EU budget. Naturally, this news has not been well received by those in Germany, prompting German government officials to propose that Britain is offered “constructive exit negotiations”.
According to German newspaper Die Welt, it is hoped that the EU will accept Britain as an “associated partner country.”
Germany Warns Of Brexit Domino Effect https://t.co/whRQCMjpiP
— Sky News (@SkyNews) 24 June 2016
So far, it is believed that France, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland and Hungary could potentially leave the EU in coming years. According to numerous reports, the Brexit vote has – and will continue to – encouraged politicians and political parties to push for their own nation’s independence.
Front National leader Marine Le Pen has pledged to hold a French referendum if she prevails in next year’s presidential elections. Meanwhile, politicians across the continent are calling for change – politicians in Hungry have warned that Europe needs to change its way, and EU critics in Poland have warned that the EU needs to be reformed.
“Brussels must hear the voice of the people, this is the biggest lesson from this decision,” Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, told public radio. “But Europe is strong only if it can give answers to major issues such as immigration that would strengthen Europe itself and not weaken it. The EU failed to give these answers.”
As tensions continue to rise across Europe in the wake of the Brexit vote, Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands, and Sweden have each received demands for referendums.
“There is no point beating about the bush: today is a watershed for Europe, it is a watershed for the European unification process,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
After #Brexit, what’s next for Europe? Some are warning of a “domino effect” https://t.co/4dVc2wISCD pic.twitter.com/ZRV9mPsXPY
— CNN (@CNN) 24 June 2016
At this moment in time, perceptions of the EU and its managing bodies are widely varied. While some view the EU as a unified body that seeks to honor the best interests of the people, the environment and the world as a whole, others see its as a means for Washington to keep a lasting hold on Europe and Russia. As a result, Britain’s votes to leave the EU, might be perceived as a threat to the future of the European Union.
“The British people, or a majority of them, gave Washington the bird. But the fight is not over. Perhaps it hasn’t really yet begun. Here is what the British can likely expect: The Federal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of Japan, and George Soros will conspire to attack the British pound, driving it down and terrorizing the British economy. We will see who is the strongest: the will of the British people or the will of the CIA, the One Percent, and the EU and neocon nazis.
The coming attack on the British economy is the reason that leave supporters such as Boris Johnson are mistaken in their belief that there is “no need for haste” in exiting the EU. The longer it takes for the British to escape from the authoritarian EU, the longer Washington and the EU can inflict punishment on the British people for voting to leave and the more time the presstitutes will have to convince the British people that their vote was a mistake. As the vote is nonbinding, a cowardly and cowed Parliament could reject the vote.”
Meanwhile, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has said Britain’s exit has not triggered the EU’s demise, noting that the bloc has “decades of experience in overcoming crises.”
“We cannot rush into hectic activity, pretending we have all the answers, but after the British decision we also cannot fall into depression and inactivity,” said German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier.
Image: Flickr, Thijs ter Haar
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What Brexit and the other referendums mean is that white people are afraid of Muslim animals. No more, no less. Despite leftist pronouncements, Islam cannot be whitewashed away from fundamentalism. As if the bloodthirsty Koran never told anyone to kill an infidel for Allah.