There are so many wearable gadgets in the market making it hard to choose from. All of them are installed with different and unique features. Some are there with their cools designs while others are there to track your health. We have come across a wearable technology which will give its consumers the future look.
Cicret is a bracelet that projects the smartphone display on your arm. This small but unique device is built with an accelerometer, memory card, ROM, processor, vibrator, micro USB port, battery, LED, WIFI component, Bluetooth, projector and proximity sensors.
However, as promising as it looks. The Cicret team is still managing up the cost to produce the first prototype and have managed to collect up to 16% ($360,950.63) from their donations. The minimum donation is $1 and the max is up to $100. A donation earns you a spot on the company’s wall of fame.
However, if they manage to make it to production – which I hope they do – the retail cost of the item would be around $480. The prototype is said to be showcased in a few weeks. They say that Cicret will pick-up where Google Glasses left off. We wish them best of luck and hope to see those bracelets hit the market soon.
Watch the video here:
we caint take picture and do video with it
can we????
I love this. The future is here people. Embrace it.
THats sexyyy. i would donate BUT IM BROKEEEEEE.
This is a scam anonymous, please remove this and warn others of donating money!!
Yeah it’s looks pretty fake. I would suggest taking it down as well.
Nice ! Wouldn’t mind wearing this on my skin.
I have a theory that this is away for them to be able to track every single move you make.
This? This is the way they are going to track us? Not the little computer you carried around in your pocket for years
It is very amazing and futuristic tecknology. It touches my heart to donate despite being jobless and disabled person.
Feel sorry for yourself more?
I want one so bad.
Only pale skinned people can use this i bet. Not sure how it would show up on anyone else. (The 85% of the world that isnt white XD) We’ll see how this works out.
actually i think darker skin will make it easier to see. a white screen on a dark background should be very visible.
but i have little faith in battery life and the “shake to activate” feature(which could be activated accidentally by walking or any other repetitive motion.
I lost faith in the internet. A site called anonhq posts one of the most ill redacted tech posts I’ve seen in a long time.
This project is like saying “hey, give me money and I will come up with the cure for death”.
to do the touchscreen is not that simple you need not just projecting so this is fake but if you guys want to cut your arm and put a robotic it could work by removins that part of the arm (where is projecting and put the device or that will be impossible by this anonymous showing this fake video that means that this anonymous are fake anonymous so just dont follow them anymore like im gonna do
You’re absolutely right, the projection would not allow it to be put in water and still be able to see. Furthermore, your finger would get in the way of the projector and cast a shadow onto your arm over the phone. The projector would not be able to project white light near the sun anyways so it’s almost a useless idea.
Anonymous yet again believes something way too quickly without thinking into the science of things. Sometimes I forget that you guys are just regular people who also fall victim to the ‘cool’ new objects on the internet.
Are you guys idiots? Did you not pay attention to the video??? The way it works is by setting a projection on your so you may see. Then by disrupting one of the lasers that run across the bracelet to your arm you are sending a signal to the bracelet to let it know the location of your finger. I for one think it’s an amazing concept, and the fact that they are still working on it makes it amazing from my perspective. So next time you decide to be a douche get your facts right before you sound like an obnoxious snob.(btw only 15 and I knew how it worked, why cause I actually watched the video, idiots)
Even though your comment is way to “colorfull” it’s the closest to the truth. According to the following article this device is indeed still a concept which means that there is no prototype yet and the funding raise aims to the development of it. http://www.itbusiness.ca/news/the-cicret-is-out-this-futuristic-bracelet-doesnt-exist/52677
This is a fake and scam. #OpCicret
Video is a mock up, does not display any *working* tech
Also, in my experience I have yet to see projecting an image work very well in daylight conditions even if they pull it off that bulb would be tiny but burning pretty bright and hot, that would be a pain in the ass to replace all the time.