A criminal complaint and arrest warrant were issued against a 55-year-old Tomah, Wisconsin man accused of threatening to kill President Barack Obama.
Brian D. Dutcher, 55, allegedly told a security guard at a La Crosse library, “the usurper is here and if I get a chance I’ll take him out and I’ll take the shot,” referring to Obama, who was in Wisconsin promoting his proposal for overtime pay reform.According to the warrant, Dutcher confirmed in an interview with the Secret Service that he made the remarks to the security guard.
The warrant also says Dutcher posted on Facebook on June 30 “that’s it! Thursday I will be in La Crosse. Hopefully I will get a clear shot at the pretend president. Killing him is our CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY!” Seriously? This guy has Facebook? What kind of wannabe assassin advertises his intentions on Facebook and to a security guard? And USING ALL-CAPS, TERRORISTS USE ALL-CAPS. Crazy scraggly-bearded, egg-headed, fluffy-haired terrorist-trope might as well as admit-
Dutcher also told a La Crosse detective that his threat was serious and that “he would not have said what he said if he didn’t intend to carry it out.”
…..Nothing left to say.
A law enforcement official said Friday that Dutcher had been arrested and is currently being held pending initial appearance.
While threats against the White House and Obama are relatively common occurrences, his arrest warrant came amid increased security measures leading into the July 4 holiday weekend and concerns of a terrorist threat- seems like that threat was overplayed, huh…. BUT REMEMBER TO BE AFRAID….. Of crazed loons who advertise their intentions literally everywhere, which lawmakers will doubtless use as precedence to arrest any online troll everywhere. Those poor 12-year-old lone-wolf-terrorist Call of Duty fans….
Source: CNN (!!!)
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The only crime committed was being locked up without committing a crime. Let the old man have his fun !
Betcha he’s a Christian.
Well, of course he was from Wisconsin. All the crazy stuff happens there!
#mominfreezer #kamikazedeer #cheeseonapplepie
But this is pretty ridiculous, he’s probably a mental patient who wanted attention. Why else would he post it to fb? IN ALL CAPS?
Rock on Obama.