For years, scientists have been attempting to control and manipulate other beings. This being said, the cockroaches are on top of that list. The reason why scientists enjoy cockroaches so much, is their ability to be small, quit, and virtually indestructible.
North Carolina researchers have attempted a new method in which utilizes a batter operated “Micro Controller”. This micro controller is the connected directly to the cockroaches back which and is connecting to the nervous system.
The small backpack for the cockroaches weighs in at around 3 grams and contains a battery operated micro computer chip. When the backpack is attached to the cockroach, the scientists then connect the chip directly to the brain in such a way that gives them “Power” over the leg movement of the host.
This entire system is completely wireless and the operator has free and open control of the cockroach at any given time. This is leaving the cockroach completely defenseless and will not be able to control their own movements.
During the study of the test subjects, scientists have learned that they can actually control a cockroach by stimulating one, or both, sides of the hosts nerve bundle system. In return, the researchers have claimed this research as a “Remotely Controlled Hybrid Robotic System”. With the use of the small and light weight backpack, it still possesses an additional burden to the cockroach and is known to be tiresome for the live cockroach test subjects.
In earlier studies, cockroaches had in fact been used and treated for this cyborg study. The first cases were by stimulating the cockroach’s antenna. Performing the stimulation of the antennas, the scientists could “trick” the cockroaches into believing there is an obstacle in their path causing them to change directions. In later researches, the scientists soon found out that this was in fact nothing more than a trickery as the nervous system of the host was no under the operators full control.
After performing a direct stimulation to the hosts nervous system, was at the operators full control and power. As we can see in earlier cases of cybernetic control, scientists has attached a “kinetic” to the cockroach’s and was then able to control the “steering” and directions of the host itself. As if that is not good enough, scientists then trained the cockroaches to survive only on its fluids.
While cockroaches are small in size, scientists are using their size and enhancing them with cyber enhancements to be able to travel into places that we cannot go for one reason or another.
So how does all of this work with the cockroach?
Let us break this down for everyone.
As we can see in the image above, there is a cockroach with the “Backpack” attached. Now we can go over the parts of the microcomputer and how it affects the host.
Step One, Researchers have glued a 3D-Printed mount onto the cockroaches back. This is the base in which the insects body is connected to the block in which will hold all of the electronic parts that are needed for this subject.
Step Two, the tiny electrodes in which we can see are then glued directly onto the cockroach’s antennae in which aids in stimulating the hosts neurons. This is the guide in which drives the motor functions of the cockroach. Researches zap these neurons and gain control over the cockroach’s movements.
Step 3, there is a two way radio as well as a chip antenna in which allows the host to communicate data to the operator. This information sent to the operator is data about the current environment, location, and even nearby sounds. This is helpful as the computer’s algorithm can utilize this information and then coordinate several other “Cyborg Roaches” for a Search-And-Rescue missions.
Step 4, scientists use either a single or tri-directional microphones in which are attached directly to the backpack. These microphones are used to capture any audio that is nearby and is also able to determine the direction in which the sound, or sounds, are coming from. If any sound is detected, and the operator suspects something unusual about the sound, the cockroach is then sent on to investigate the sound and situation.
Step 5, everything electrical needs a power supply. Scientists use a 3-Volt lithium polymer based battery. This battery is weighed in at just over a half of a gram. The battery itself is able to be detached from the backpack for charging. There is alternatives to recharging the battery by using a small solar panel in which would rest on top of the backpack. This would act as a refuel station for the drained battery, and can recharge the battery in less than two hours.
This technology is certainly not anything new. In fact, last year PETA complained whenever a company was selling “RoboRoach” kits for learning projects. The kits where sold for $100.
The uses of these “enhanced” cockroaches are being designed and created in hopes of being able to send in dozens of cockroaches into disaster zones such as ruble after earth quakes, nuclear sites, and other disaster areas that is unsafe for humans to get to.
Essentially the uses for the cyborg roaches are to not only aid in the finding of trapped humans in ruble, but to inform the trapped people that there is help on the way. This can be done by means of using a speaker and a microphone as well as a small camera.
The ideal of the reason behind creating such a device for cockroach’s seems to be a reasonable one, however, there are two other concerns with this advancing technology. My biggest concern is that of the lack of control the cockroach has when the device is activated. There should be no one able to fully control the entire movement system of another being (human or insect). My second concern is the government utilizing this technology. Even if the government doesn’t fully control the pest directly, just the thought of having a small insect equipped with video and audio transmitters to send and receive information and spying on us in our own homes. Finally, another way out in left field theory, is the plausibility of the cockroaches using the electronic devices themselves and over powering the operators. This electronic device could assist the cockroach’s in gaining that extra strength they need for certain obstacles. Sure, I may have watched one to many Terminator movies, but it all starts somewhere. Robotic technology has come a long way, and we still have decades of research and work left to do before the “Rise of the Machines”, or is it closer than we think? With cyborg enhancements for cockroaches, what is next on their list…Humans?
At this point in time, researchers have only equipped the cockroaches to be the most useful robot needed for disaster rescue missions. And one day, we are sure to see this technology being used by our beloved government for eaves dropping in on private and confidential conversations.
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