It seems the great Nobel Peace Prize Winner In Chief himself has once again decided to to prove why he won that award: drone programs have been further expanded, and deployment in regions of interest such as Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, North Africa and the South China Sea are about to begin. This comes with a Wall Street Journal report which cites interviews with a number of senior US officials.
Flights by drones like the MQ-1 Predator and the MQ-9 Reaper drones will increase by another 50%, and the Army, Special Operations Command and every random “contractor”(mercenary) will get to operate a bunch of these together with the Airforce. Because everyone needs more drones.
According to Wall Street Journal reporter Gordon Lubold: “The Pentagon envisions a combined effort that by 2019 would have the Air Force continue flying 60 drone flights a day, the Army contributing as many as 16 and the military’s Special Forces Command pitching in with as many as four. Government contractors would be hired to fly older Predator drones on as many as 10 flights a day, none of them strike missions.”
The Bureau of Investigative Journalism has undertaken an investigation that further reveals just how much our Nobel Peace Prize Winner In Chief (I’m making NPPWIC his officially-designated acronym ) has come to rely on these random mercenaries to do his “plausibly deniable murderous rampage” dirty work.
To salt that open wound that belongs to the next few thousand innocent kids who are now on the NPPWIC’s kill list, officials are also striving to attach even better surveillance tech to these drones; these “wide-area airborne surveillance pods,” will apparently increase “by as much as tenfold the quantity of surveillance feeds”… allowing even more precise murder of civilians. There’s no escaping the NPPWIC, he’s gonna launch some PP on yo’ ass.
Sources: Common Dreams
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