An FBI electronics agent has pleaded guilty for illegally acting as a Chinese undercover agent, last Monday. Kun Shan Chun also admitted to stealing extremely sensitive information and passing it along to Chinese officials.
Kun Shan Chun (aka Joey Chun), had been an employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation since 1997. Recently, Chun pleaded guilty to the charges of acting illegally as a foreign government agent, brought against him in the Manhattan federal courts.
In March, Chun was arrested under the charges that were released to the public, only on Monday. Chun admitted in the court room, that during the years 2011 to 2016, he acted under the direction of a Chinese official to whom he would then pass along sensitive information. Such information passed along included identities, travel plans and locations, an organizational chart, as well as several photos in which he took. Also included were several documents from a restricted area relating to surveillance technology, as stated by Assistant U.S. Attorney, Emil Bove.
“At the time, I knew that was wrong, and I’m sorry for my actions,” stated Chun, who was born in China and is not considered a citizen of the United States.
“The truth is, that Mr Chun loves the United States and never intended to cause it any harm,” stated Chun’s attorney, Jonathan Marvinny, and continued saying “he hopes to put this matter behind him and move forward with his life.”
Chun was originally charged, in March, for falsifying statements that would allow him to have concealed his contacts. Chun’s contacts included connections with several Chinese nationals, and Chinese-based computer printer company, Zhuhai Kolion Technology Company Ltd.
The original complaint had stated that Chun was asked by an individual affiliated with the respective company, to perform research and carry out investigative reporting, which would also consist of overseas travel.
The printer company, Kolion, had also acquired “government backing.” Those associated with the Chinese officials also “dealt with” the government. Chun went on record, while providing his statement to an undercover FBI Agent back in 2015.
Kolion is neglecting to respond to any requests for any comments upon this matter.
Chun, 46, was released on bail, followed by the court hearing. While under a plea, Chun waived all rights to an appeal of any sentence consisting of 27 months, or less. Chun’s scheduled sentencing is set for Dec. 2.
Sources: MSN.
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