Talk about disgusting toilet humor: a comedian made an absolutely shocking discovery while visiting the toilet before a show recently.
Tamale Rocks was performing in a club in Illinois when she thought it was strange to have a full-length mirror in a woman’s toilet… she soon realised, to her horror, that it was in fact a two-way mirror so that perverts could spy on women as they sat on the toilet.
The stand-up said: ‘Women are often told that we are “paranoid”, that the extra precautions we take are “excessive”’.
‘We are not. We engage in varying levels of due diligence, because if (or more likely when) something happens, we are the ones blamed.’
In the video’s description Tamale said the owner of the club she found the mirror in was ‘approached’.
‘Upon hearing about this video, the owner communicated that that he sees it as free publicity for his establishment,’ she continued.
‘He acknowledges that the mirror is there and knows that the door is unlocked. He explained it as being a continuation of the creepy fun-house theme of his establishment.
‘It used to feature a monster head that lit up through the two-way mirror, scaring ladies as they used the restroom.’
Ronnie Lottz, the owner of the bar, said he will never remove the two-way mirror in the women’s bathroom, adding that he would rather burn the bar to the ground than remove the two-way mirror that has been there for nearly 15 years, according to Jezebel.
“We’re synonymous with Halloween. We do a freaky family fun day, and all the kids look in the mirror. This is a fun house, honey, and if you don’t like the two-way mirror, go f— yourself.”
He brings up a concern right there: Kids use those same toilets. And though there is apparently only one entrance that he claims is kept unlocked on purpose, it would not be difficult for him to sneak in early in the morning or set up a camera. Commenters on the video have also noted that there’s no corresponding mirror in the MEN’s toilet… Wonder why. It seems that other kinds of monsters lurk there, and unfortunately these don’t get lit up so that people can take adequate precautions. Hopefully this creep gets to enjoy his free publicity behind bars… there’s no two-way mirror to hide behind in those toilets.
Tamale Rocks, who has been accused of attempting to draw attention to herself, said in an email to the Tribune that the two-way mirror was not OK.
“The fact that a two-sided mirror EXISTS in a bathroom is NOT OK. Cover it? So that it can be made operational afterward? No. Remove it. What if your daughter, or mom or sister was in there? So there isn’t someone in there right now. What if there has been? What if there will be? Get rid of the two-way mirror. How hard is this to understand?”
Source: metro
Un freakin believable
Well, then, let’s hope it does burn to the ground (without people in it, of course). The owner is full of shit.
…when caught out ‘front’ your disgusting perversions..
Are these the same assholes that tried to scam ghost hunters? Fuck these pervert scam artists.