Aeroflex’s flying bike, called Hoverbike and nicknamed Flike, has made its first successful manned flight in Hungary. Though Hoverbike’s top speed is 30 mph, maximum flying height is 15 feet and it sustains flight for about 30-40 minutes; it uses anti-gravity technology, emits zero emissions and does not crash.
A team of flight enthusiasts at the Hungarian research institute, Bay Zoltan Nonprofit Ltd, designed and developed the all-electric cycle, a personal tricopter, in just six months. Flike’s creators write on their website:
“Flike is equipped with Lithium Polymer batteries, allowing for around 15-20 minutes of hover flight, which extends towards 30-40 minutes in cruise. The lift is provided by six fixed-pitch carbon composite rotors, directly driven by individual electric disc motors, resulting in the highest possible efficiency, and zero-emission by design. Due to its layout, Flike is fully controllable by solely adjusting the rotation speed of individual rotors. Its airborne behaviour is comparable to any helicopter: it can hover, roll, bank, drift, spin, yaw, climb, turn, sidle, dive… just as well as it is also capable of various things yet to be named. Flight stability, lateral position and altitude are taken care of by its full-authority flight management computer; therefore flying Flike is as easy as riding a bicycle.”
This Hoverbike Should Replace All Cars Immediately http://t.co/Gco5eK2ZRJ
— Galactic PA (@GalacticPA) June 10, 2015
PERFECT! This is so cool. Have always wanted to fly…this could be my chance lol! http://t.co/2Xgrm2yyTN
— Lauren Burley (@Lauriebeenthere) June 8, 2015
Looks like fun as long as you don’t suffer with Acrophobia or aviophobia http://t.co/et6lfqjIKH
— Wings & Bells (@WingsandBells) June 6, 2015
the way Hungary goes green…? #flike http://t.co/DM3MWNnbWF — Nora Morocza (@clapankle) June 6, 2015
During the first flight test in March, Flike could carry a weight of 210 kg and stayed in the air for several seconds. In April, the bike underwent another test where it supported a larger weight of 240kg and maintained a longer flight time.
I didn’t know propellers are anti gravity devices
It really looks so weak and unbalanceable , not expecting to see a good bike in the future , not this simple
I would want some kind of guard around those blades. I can see that being the first problem, are cut off by blade.
I would not like to be on it high up-when some electronics fail.Instead I like the Hover-Swift, which is, a.o.. models, is a family-size HELIUM-carried “flying car” with White Lightning elec. engine-fed from solar-cells and bio-gas so it does not pollute-and cannot fall down.*
Like 3dee-tv’s a gimmick for the rich & dumb.
First of all, the bike only goes 15 feet high, and 30ph, you’re not going to fly off into an abyss…. This was the test run, they full plan on putting in guards around the blades and other safety features. They’re claiming zero learning curve to learn to ride. Might actually want to read/watch videos before commenting.