From an explosive revelation on a YouTube clip, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Steve Pieczenik, has come out on camera claiming his part in assisting a “counter-coup” against Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton.
For those who aren’t familiar with Pieczenik, he served under Kissinger, and also other presidential administrations for Ford, Carter, Regan, and George Bush Senior – and this is why this clip must be taken seriously.
What makes this extraordinary is that during his claims, Pieczenik has come out and said that he, and other agencies/individuals who are “sick and tired” of the Clinton corruption, have assisted in a soft counter-coup by supplying WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange with data and emails.
The “counter-coup,” via the Internet, is very clearly explained as the means to “undermine” the Clintons’ and corruption.
But for a counter-coup there must have been a coup, right?
Pieczenik explains that Bill and Hillary Clinton, who co-opted an overwhelming number of central facets of government, including the White House, CIA and FBI, and the judiciary, were part of the coup that has occurred on the Internet through two strategies: co-option and corruption. The coup, according to Pieczenik, was quiet and carefully orchestrated.
“We in the intelligence community and others involved have informally gotten together and with their permission I am beginning to announce that we’ve initiated a counter-coup through Julian Assange and WikiLeaks,” Pieczenik says.
In the clip, Loretta Lynch, the current president of the United States – Obama – and others are the target of this counter-coup – to indict and imprison those who are involved in the mass corruption we are all too familiar with.
“It was the brave men and women who were in the FBI, the CIA, the director of intelligence, the military intelligence, and men and women in 15 other intelligence organizations who were sick and tired of seeing this corruption in the White House, in the Justice Department and in the intelligence system; and we decided that there was something we had to do in order to save the Republic,” Pieczenik continues.
“We want a peaceful transition … a moment of history is occurring right now in front of us.”
In other words, for those who were adamant that external forces were at work: You can stop blaming the Russians now.
For everyone else, this is indeed, a moment in history not to be forgotten.
This article (Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Announces Responsibility for Emails Leaked by WikiLeaks: Counter-Coup Declared) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author AnonWatcher and AnonHQ.com.
There have been many attempts to vet Steve Pieczenik, and there is no solid evidence at all to verify what he says is his background. You would be well advised to go to his Wikipedia page and read through Wikipedia’s very extensive back-and-forth with an unknown person in which Wikipedia is contemplating removing the entire listing about Steve because of lack of evidentiary support for the claims made (e.g., working under Kissinger) and this unknown person keeps trying to defend it.
This conversation thread ALONE convinced me that “Steve Pieczenik” is a fraud, Further, this is probably not this person’s real name. He’s likely black ops CIA, and maybe he IS trained in psyops–he sure renders a believable performance on his video.
But add to this “Steve’s” very long association with Infowars, which in my opinion is a CIA/Stratfor operation. Not a great forum in which to convince the public of one’s credibility.
In the end, this entire election debacle could be a psyop of such massive proportions that it outranks 9/11. May WELL have been planned years in advance. I mean, think of the word “Infowars”: is that not what is exactly going on right now? A war in which information spread on the internet is advancing a divide-and-conquer strategy via conspiracy theories and outlandish stories that fuel a huge Clinton/Trump divide? And isn’t the Hollywood movie, V for Vendetta, actually predictive programming for just this very election???
This ominous talk of “Remember, remember, the 5th of November” plus all this “news” of the NYPD and rank-and-file FBI people being about to disclose huge information, plus “Steve Pieczenik’s” “revelations” just propaganda–a huge psyop? What if every single thing you’re hearing is false? And I mean everything. Seth Rich, Assange’s attorneys dying, etc., etc., ad infinitum.
If it’s true that this is one huge psyop involving Clinton, Trump, all of the major media, as well as the sites that lead us to believe they are alternative and independent and therefore you can trust them, and that we are being played for fools because we WANT to believe that corruption in politics will finally be exposed, well, aren’t we being played for fools??
Something to think about.
I believe furthermore that Trump and some others have also planned ahead to sabotage the voting machines as for the last States to have fallen only at the 11th hour is just too convenient. His claim that all 17 or so intelligence sources whom pointed to Russia were all lying to this end. That nobody before now mentioned that Trump has millions invested in Russia seems more rational and that he has massive business in more foreign countries then you can name seems likely. And wiki leaks knows nothing of these or his multiple bankruptcy filings, running college scams and has a habit of not paying his contractors ……… I have never been more afraid for our Country then now.