Aaron Mallen, 24, Michelle Casterton, 43, and Daniel Quinn, 23, from Falmouth, Cornwall and Richard Rosevear, 33, from St Austell, Cornwall are all being trialled for the murder of Terry Oldham, a 63 year old paedophile.
Mr Oldham was, in the past, convicted as a paedophile for sexually assaulting a girl aged under 14 in 1987.
The four men allegedly killed the convicted paedophile through several different forms of torture; force feeding him dog faeces, urinating over him and anally assaulting him with a broken broom stick.
The gang moved themselves into Terry Oldham’s home after deciding that his past made him “fair game.”
After paramedics found that Oldham had serious injuries and bruising to his groin police decided to launch a murder investigation, as it is extremely unlikely that the clear damage to his body would have occurred after death.
It was later discovered that it was the broom that was most likely to have caused his death due to poisoning when anally inserted, which in-turn caused organ failure. – All four of the men deny the murder.
Paul Dunkels, QC, told Truro Crown Court that his death was the work of more than one individual between March 28th and April 1st last year.
Dunkels stated, “He (Oldham) was a small frail man in his 60s. He was routinely bullied and assaulted by them, they took his money and they stole his possessions.” continuing later with “They knew he was a convicted sex offender so viewed him as fair game.”
Dunkels listed several of Oldham’s injuries to the court, including injuries to his head, chest, abdomen, arms, hands and legs.
The group has also been charged with allowing, or causing, the death of a vulnerable person – in this case a pensioner – but still deny all charges. Dunkels said that the four had done nothing to help the 5.2″ man, even though it was clear that he needed the assistance and that he was seriously ill. Basically, if they are not charged for the murder then they will still be charged for leaving him to die.
The four were asked to give statements regarding the discovery of Oldham’s body. Mr Dunkels said: ‘Each maintained that all was normal and Terry Oldham was well until he was found dead that morning.
Mallen, Casterton and Quinn all stated that they were laughing that day, saying that Rosevear woke them up and said that Oldham was dead. They allegedly all went back to sleep, waking up to find that what Rosevear said was true.
“They said they kept poking him to see if he really was dead.”
Mr Dunkels added that the four all told different stories later that day when speaking with friends.
The trial still continues.
In conclusion; 63 year old, Terry Oldham, a paedophile who raped a young girl was allegedly beaten, tortured and sexually assaulted himself by a group of four. The four deny all prosecutions. The trial, expected to last up to five weeks continues.
This Article (Gang Murders Paedophile By Sexually Assaulting Him With A Broom) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(FLU5CH) and AnonHQ.com.
Ridiculous! Thinking that someone is fair game because he is a pedophile and a registered sex offender. A human is still a human and does not deserve being treated like this.
Ha..ha..hahahhahahhahaha. You are what is wrong with this world. You allow bad people to continue being bad and live in this world. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. YOU SLUT-OBI.
dude… if you think raping someone because they raped someone is okay then you are what is wrong with this world. an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind.
Here fucking here ! There’s no peace in fighting violence with violence?? what’s really needed is a true justice system that would put men like Oldham away for the rest of there lives
How am I the problem, dude? It’s not like I am the guy. I just do not believe that seeking justice in such a way is acceptable.
Until he rapes a CHILD. I am sure that you don’t have children!! If you did you would have been the ring leader believe me. Death is too good for him as he WASN’T human. Wake up fool.
You’re a fucking idiot the man did something in 1987 there’s nothing to say that he continued to do anything he served his time in prison. He was trying to live his life. Being fucked in the ass by a broom is in no way shape or form what he deserved. He deserved the respect that he was a human who made mistakes. Just like your father made the mistake of not pulling out.
… Okay, then we have to get a bunch of people to kill and torture the four men who tortured an elderly because “Thats fair” or some batshit crazy atitude.
They deemed that he should die even after her served his time. This is not a socially acceptable no matter what he has done.
No, I do not think that this is true at all, and you can not just assume that I have no children either since you have no such information.
If he had raped someone that was close to me that I loved I could totally see myself killing him. He raped a girl 28 years ago, the only one that can call him fair game is her and her loved ones.
I’m with you on that. No one has the right to do this to another person I question their motives. An eye for eye I get, but this just seems like gratuitous violence. Makes them no better than him.
Let me make this 100$ crystal clear to everyone reading. Pedophile or not the guy was human. He was probably too old to cause any further trouble and learned his lesson via prosecution. Murdering or raping a pedophile is NOT ok nor justice. If you think he should have been forever behind bars or treated this way YOU are what is wrong with the world. The US has the HIGHEST prison rate and guess what? YOU are paying for them to be there. Why not reform people? Ever though about that? You become less human when you see someone as less than deserving of their lives.
There is no way this was in the US first off. This was most definitely in the UK. Noone in the US has last names like Oldham and Quinn. Also in the US we spell it pedophile not paedophile… I agree with you on the to many prisoners but get your facts straight.
Accumulated filth. Good for him, he deserved to die.
Fuck off back to the dark ages with your simplistic holier than thou moralising opinion about who gets to live and die. As far as society goes, he’d served his time. Even that was a long time ago. This had nothing to do with his crime. The only time I agree with barbaric vigilantism is in the case of these vindictive bullying fuckers; I hope they get treated as they treated this pensioner on the inside.
It wouldnt surprise me if you have raped someone in your day with your defense for this old pedophile. Someone stated before on this convo, ‘apparently you dont have kids’ because if you did and it was your daughter that he raped I can put money you would rape him with a broken broom too. I know I would. So again your defense for this old person makes me think you feel sympathy because you have done equal or similiar harm to someones child, or atleast thought about it…. Therefore I hope you get justice as well- you sick fucker
People with jaded thoughts like these, just ridiculous. Simply because we support every human’s rights, like anonymous should we must be rapists too.
Firstly he’s not a human being he lost the rights to be called that when he raped a child. Secondly he didn’t just make a mistake..a mistake is going shopping and forgetting your purse for example NOT what that monster did!!
You sir are what is wrong with this world. If I had a child and she was raped, I wouldn’t want to kill him, is want him put in a place where he can get the proper care he needs. He was sick mentally and needed help. Grow up and stop acting like a barbarian.
You’re a fucking idiot the man did something in 1987 there’s nothing to say that he continued to do anything he served his time in prison. He was trying to live his life. Being fucked in the ass by a broom is in no way shape or form what he deserved. He deserved the respect that he was a human who made mistakes. Just like your father made the mistake of not pulling out.
As if they are better than this poor man.
The fact that he was a paedophile was a perfect excuse for commiting the most barbaric things on him.
They fulfilled a death fantasm.
Paedophilia is disgusting but force feeding a man with excrements ?That’s equally sick
It’s no doubt a revenge lived out while some victims remain the most damaged, but it’s highly unlikely these are pleasant people.
But my issue is the thought that events like these breed fallout in other horror and that while feeling reserved to the point of cowardice that not acting is the better world…maybe harm waves forward on the crest of too greater temptation.
For one buzzfeed revenge
*tried (not trialled)
As I read more and more of these Anon articles I’ve come to realize that some of you actually do write good pieces, but some of you do not. This FLU5CH writes like a 3rd grader. Maybe it’s just bad English, but somebody should be proof reading his stories! As for the story… the world is free of a pedophile, but now it has 4 killers to contend with. They will be praised as heroes in whatever prison they end up in.
I don’t think you should get in as much trouble for killing pedophile as an innocent person.
He served his time for a crime committed in 1987. Should we do in murderers who have served their sentences? If the guy hadn’t re-offended, what was the point in killing him? What’s the verse in the Bibble y’all have probably heard? “Revenge is mine, saith the Lord Thy God.
What interests me most about news articles like this is the level of understanding common people have when commenting on issues like this. It’s very base and reactionary. Basically we have replaced one paedophile with 4 sociopaths.One mental disorder for four. Calls saying he deserved it are just reactionary and your simple brains way of acknowledging that you do not want to feel symathy for the man. Picketting outside his house would have been what normal response for concerned citizens rather than sociopathic homicide.
You can tell that some of the people defending this sick bastard don’t have children.
What goes around comes around
Good riddance to bad rubbish, the lot of em.
I feel no sympathy for the pedophile. That being said this situation could have been avoided if the world wasn’t so split on handling this problem decisively. The juctice system should euthanize convicted pedophiles.
Prison justice may or may not be morally justified but this crime will not make me lose sleep at night. One less reprehensible scumbag out there in the world. And for the bleeding hearts, well go fuck yourself…if he were paroled and you had a family to look after, would you take him in?! Yeah, I thought not!!! So get off your high horse and stop raging for this scumbag because you hate this kind of justice. He got what he deserved, Biblical or not.
Yeah, one less reprehensible scumbag and 4 more murderers. Swell.
Actually, sir, I would take him in and try to get him the help he needed. He was mentally sick and needed treatment not to be killed. Sure what he did was wrong, but he didn’t deserve death, in fact no one deserves death, especially in that way. also, one less pedo but now there are 4 more murderers out there that may not even go to prison.
“All these people defending him don’t have children.”
This statement is just plain retarded, I myself am a child, And i would fucking hate to be raped by some fuck head, I have done some fucked up shit before, And It took time for me to realize what I had done, And why I did it.
Afterwards, I felt like a new person. The thing that I had done was in the past, Never to be done again. I was normal.
Could you imagine, After all this, The lessons learnt and the time payed. After your life had already been ruined to almost the fullest extent, And you’ve managed to fight back urges forced by your imperfect brain, You got beaten in your home and raped with a broom stick? What in the actual fuck is wrong with people, You don’t think from all perspectives at all.
Think of it this way, Do any of you have Depression? or Anxiety? that forces you to do things you wouldn’t do? or make people think differently about you? If you’re someone like this, You will understand that issues with the brain can’t be controlled so easily, And this man had managed to fight them back and stop doing what his mind forced him to do, He is a strong man and didn’t deserve what happened to him.
I strongly agree with you, I have two young children, yes I would want to kill someone who did something like that to my child, but would I? No I would not. Wake up people, think rationally. It is pathetic that a child can think better than you can. Dylan has explained in the best words possible what Slutobi has been trying to tell you. You say that you would do the same as these 4 men have, but you do not truely know what you would do if you were ever in that situation. Also you need to put yourself in the old man’s shoes how would you like it if you were him. Slutobi is exactly right you people are what is wrong with this world. Dylan is right also, pedophiles don’t do it just to do it, they have a mental disorder that they can not control, this has already been scientifically proven, and for him to control it that long really says something about the man. So all you need to stop…think rationally from every point of view. If you don’t have anything nice to say then you shouldn’t say anything at all. Grow up and get real.
Also, if you people really understood what anon stood for then you would not be talking this way on there feeds, they are trying to show other people the things that are wrong with this world, and I strongly agree with them on their views, if you don’t like their views or the things that they post then why are you following them and supporting them? If you don’t agree with them then stay off their feed, because it is for people who agree with them and think and feel as they do
he deserved what he got.. what about the poor child he had sex with.. think she enjoyed it..scum should be treated with no respect..
I’m curious if this was just based off of the crime he committed in the 80s or if he was continuing to act in lewd ways towards children. For four guys to all participate in the killing, it seems to me that there was more motivation than just that one crime. If he was a danger to the kids in the neighborhood then the punishment of death is just in my opinion.
If the goverment put him on a electric chair none of this would have happened he got his death thats a relief but not like this just one bullet his going to hell anyway
Its actually unbelievable how some people can sit back and hurt an old man like that yes it is wrong what the four boys did to the old man clearly they took him for advantage and beaten him to death but come from a mothers view point imagine that was your child someone old creep taking your baby and making them stay with the thourght of what that creep did to her you just have to look from both points of view the lads were wrong in what they did but the old man was a horrible man in the first place he gets what he deserves but as someone said in the previous comments and eye for an eye turns the whole world blind
“The four boys”? It will come out in trial that they are not what they seem. They moved in with him and did what they did for sport. Hopefully they get to play sister-sports in prison.
I believe that this man 100% deserved to die. The way he was dispatched though was just as cruel and sadistic as the victim himself. An execution style gunshot would have worked just as fine. This is just my opinion though being a convicted felon in Washington state in sickens me to see the amount of money that Americans spend to lock up rapist and pedophiles
Oddly enough, these gang members most likely plow 14 year old girls after selling them some heroin.
Would be nice if the government would label gangs for what they are, which is terrorists.
Life in prison is not enough. Death is not enough. But if you must choose death is more acceptable. Regardless of how long ago it was,in mine (and a lot of other people’s) eyes his little petty jail term he served was just a little taste of what should of come (and eventually did).
Nobody has a clue what its like to deal with such incidents except for those who have been through it.
It costs thousands and thousands of dollars yearly to house inmates. He does not deserve our hard earned tax money. Nor does he deserve to live.
Do you think that these people do this out of curiosity ? Or because they dont know any better ? God no ! These are permanent actions … it is a desire. A fetish. It wont stop. And if for some rare reason one doesn’t do it ever again, theyve wanted to and just the thought of wanting to do it “again” makes you instantly guilty.
We have let this pedophilia go on for far too long with a mere slap on the wrist. We need to put the fear of life into these people. We also need to redirect our attention and energy towards tackling the sex and pedophile rings that are ran by our Christian Communities and British Empire … thats a whole other story though. But it is ironic that these offenses are barely looked at in court so that people can easily go on doing this shit !
How is the girl he raped doing? Her life sentence of a horrible memory probably haunts her to this day.
All I can say, if it was my little girl he raped, he’d want to think himself lucky of what these four did to him, I would do much much worse & I care not for you bleeding hearts out there. And just for the record, I have NOT nor have I the intentions of hurting anyone. As Long as my children are not harmed !
why don’t you guys go after NAMBA. THEY’RE SICK!!! Sometimes you just have to turn a blind eye. I don’t agree with what they did cus that’s sick but I would have just killed him to begin with if it was my kid that he touched. And really that evil devil ruined that little girl for life so why should we say awe the poor pedophile. nope not from this girl!!! They should all just be put to death hahahaha half of the polititians would be dead. lol
Crazy amount of pedo-sympatizers here.
To all of you who believe this was a harsh punishment.
He got exactly what he deserved.
He has raped a child, and you say “he made a mistake”
You mean, like run-over-neighbours-dog-while-drunk mistake or RAPE-A-CHILD,-MENTALLY-RUINING-IT mistake?
He should have been put down for what he was then and there.
But justice always wins.