Long before our current fascination with all things zombie, humans have contemplated the best place to run to in times of catastrophe; perhaps even as far back as the dark ages, when plagues decimated the population, it has been clear cities are not the place to be.
A new Cornell University study, entitled The Statistical Mechanics of Zombies, confirms high-density cities decrease survival probability, and advises people to head for the hills—literally. The study points to the Rocky Mountains specifically as a good location to attempt to weather the storm. Even then, the study predicts “doom” for most, if not all, of the population.
Luckily, zombie viruses remain –for now—firmly in the realm of fiction. That being said, one needs only to remember the pandemonium following Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy or Typhoon Haiyan to visualize the importance of government and non-profit organizations immediately following disasters.
Preparedness and not panicking may play a factor in your odds of surviving a disaster. Many of the steps experts advise we take may seem like common sense, especially to those who live in areas prone to natural disasters, nonetheless, these steps deserve some thought.
Step one: Keep your cool. According to military survival instructor John Leach, about 75 percent of people experience paralyzing confusion and fear in life-threatening situations. Being able to think rationally improves your ability to make quick decisions, and thus puts yourself and your loved ones in a safer position.
Step two: Be prepared. Sure, there are some disasters we cannot foresee, but it helps to have a plan. Having somewhere to run should be the first part of this plan. Whether it is a relative’s residence, a vacation home, or a friend’s pad, define this place for yourself and your family, and coordinate with the applicable property owner. If you are in transit in a vehicle or aircraft, always know where the emergency exits are.
Step three: Stock up. Stocking up on water, non-perishable food, medications you take or might need, and a means of defending yourself will mitigate the fallout of most disasters, and render you less reliant on outside help. Having important paperwork such as your birth certificate, pet registration and vaccination records all together in a folder somewhere accessible, ready to grab in case of an emergency, will also likely reduce future bureaucratic headaches.
With anything in life, there is an element of chaotic randomness, taking these precautions can only help you. And hey, if the zombie apocalypse ever does strike, you’ll be ready.
This Article (Head for the Hills!) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
First of all, Zombies are not traditionally victims of a virus but deceased persons brought back to life by the return of the Christ persona. They’re the ‘leftovers’ after the dead who were believers are swept up into heaven, according to Christian myth.
Second, Sun Bear predicted the climate change and natural disasters that would force survival scenarios to be played out long ago and mapped out the best place to survive in his book, “Black Dawn, Bright Day.”
Not to mean anything drastic, or go against any of this, but I just want to ask. What do you people actually think the chances of civilization falling is going to be? What you think that people are just gonna get so pissed at another nation for the way they do things or the military superiority they have? Or maybe you think it will go down when resources get driven to nothing, in which case things would become complicated, not destroyed. One nation won’t just attack others because they have a vast military arsenal, how sane does that sound? “Hey this country seems to be really powerful let’s pick a fight with them real quick”. Yeah. Definitely. Or maybe it happens like this in your mind, “Oh look they are using the communist system of government guess we gotta pick a fight with them”. The thing you guys don’t seem to understand is that if the citizens didn’t like the system they would have already left. If it works for them who cares? We have what works for us and they have what works for them. I don’t think anyone is going to risk annihilation over a government system. And as for resources, humanity lived a very good portion of our existence in wood/stone houses. Using wood/stone tools and weapons. And truth be told back then there was never a war started that wasn’t necessary (minus the barbarians of Mongolia and similar regions). If we have gotten so advanced as to rely so hard on technology to let us live, then we might as well all die. Besides, no country is going to go to war with another one because of lack of resources. Like stated with military prowess, it’s like jumping onto a lion with a pebble as a weapon. If they were truly scarce on resources to the point where they couldn’t do much, then what makes you think they have the power to invade successfully and exploit a more wealthy/resourceful nation? Even if some countries had resource crisis’ there would definitely be multiple nations helping that one out to get back on it’s feet. And lastly, you act like you have no faith in making anywhere else our home, because if we even just went to mars and made it habitable, I don’t think any nation would send military weapons up there. Let’s think about it, we will habit mars successfully, send peacekeepers up there so that no crime goes around, but do you honestly think that we will risk ANOTHER planet to total obliteration? It’s insane enough we do it to our own but I don’t think anyone is so paranoid as to send weapons of mass destruction somewhere else. Anyways to the point, if we do successfully habit mars, that’s an entire other planet full of resources we can harvest, and as long as we keep up with scientific exploration we will definitely be able to get out of our star system and into others, and with it harvest other planets resources. Now lastly I don’t know what you guys think you are doing posting all this shit about “Oh yeah the world will be obliterated because politicians are insane and take everyone’s shit”, whereas these theories you have here could very well be right, how likely do you believe that there is some secret organization running our governments? Like let’s think about that, our governments have nuclear power beyond measure, and all they have to do is tell the world what is really happening and work with other nations and just like that *boom* that secret organization is gone. And what’s that? Our president is part of that org? Well that’s fucking stupid cause as far as I’m concerned we have Obama’s life story in our back pocket. And the best part is it all adds up. And furthermore you guys saying all this shit about the governments is causing hostility between them. Making them more likely to do what you don’t want them to. Keep pointing fingers and eventually they will wave their guns at the people you say they already shot. You are quite literally exactly like the people you “expose”. Good job ladies and gentlemen, we couldn’t have broken the world without you.
I’m sure there are many who will disagree with me and that’s fine. When the ballon goes up and everyone heads for hills, guess what. You won’t get far from the city before the hiways become jammed up and traffic comes to a complete stop. How many are physically fit emough to hump your bags to your mountain hideout? For that matter, how many are really prepared to survive in the mtns?
When SHTF, your best option will be to make it back to your home base, where hopefully you’ve prepared and stocked up.You’ll be on familiar ground, you should know your neighbors and who else is prepared to defend your homes and neighborhood.It’s easier to hump a few miles down the interstate or side streets to get home than it will be to hike how many miles into the mtns.
Personally, I’m hoofing it home where I can hunker down and when need be, defend in place.
HEAD for the hills. God = good. Religion =bad 😉