Homeless people were asked to write down a fact about themselves that other people wouldn’t know just by walking past them. Their answers may surprise you.
This should happen everywhere… people need to see homeless people for what they are; people.
Dear Anonymous, Please see me facebook text that i posted with your video. thank you for reading, i am a huge supporter. “This is horrible and despicable, there is no need for anyone to be homeless not Orlando, not anywhere!! We check on homeless people in Charlottetown and talk to them, we know their names and they know ours. We treat them like anyone else and how we expect to be treated … with dignity. They all have different stories but one common theme. They can’t get a head and there is no one to help them. There is no Women’s shelter in Charlottetown !!!!!! but there is an over crowded men’s shelter. People live day to day in unimaginable conditions, in PEI – The Gentle Island. I’m not about to start preaching that we gotta change the world, but I’m pissed that this continues here, and I say let’s change Charlottetown!!! Get a bunch of us together and let’s make a change !! We have some great political representatives who have heard us out on other issues. I’m sure they will lend us an ear on this one.”
Im homeless at this moment is cold outside and no one helps . My income is very small thats why im homeless . Please help me im a female 58 years old i really need help im sick too i have fibromialgia,cronic artritis and osteoporosis . I dont know where to go to get help . My number is 4072728172
Walk a mile in their shoes……
My heart led me to change, and gather the masses through music. On April 5, 1985, Over a BILLION people on the planet heard my call for unity. I was stopped dead in my tracks by the Illum. I have been homeless, and still thankful for every day. Reach out, I want to tell you my story. http://youtu.be/W91hq9WoXjI
help palestine please tank you…