When Lieutenant Muath al-Kasaesbeh’s tormentors burned him alive inside a cage, the killing was described as the most brutal in ISIS’ bloody history. Jordan responded rapidly, executing Sajida al-Rishawi, who was convicted after attempting a suicide bombing, and Ziad al-Karbouli, a top lieutenant of Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Jordanian army spokesman Colonel Mamdouh al-Ameri said in a televised statement that the army vowed “earth-shattering” response and “the revenge would be as big as the calamity that has hit Jordan”. He added, “The military forces announce that the hero pilot, Muath al-Kaseasbeh, has fallen as a martyr, and ask God to accept him with the martyrs”.
Jordan’s King Abdullah II condemned the burning of Jordan pilot by the Islamic State saying the ‘cowardly’ group does not represent Islam in any way. The king called on Jordanians to “stand together and show the mettle of the Jordanian people in unity, determination and resolve”.
Safi al-Kasaesbeh, father of murdered pilot, said the Jordanian government must destroy the Islamic State: “I demand that Islamic State should be wiped out, this is a murderous and despicable group. I demand that none of the criminals be spared. I demand that the vengeance be more severe than just the execution of two prisoners”.
#IamMuath slogan grew into a trending hashtag on Twitter with mourners taking to social media to vent their anger and sorrow:
In the airport What a feeling Never felt this way We support Our #Jordan (King, Army and ppl) #IamMuath pic.twitter.com/g3CVQkMPus
— ديما علم فراج (@Deema22) February 4, 2015
read this and try to blame Islam again I dare u ! #IamMuath pic.twitter.com/lAMehcijMh — #IAmMuath (@alphaIwt) February 4, 2015
May your soul rest in peace my brother and may those who have killed you suffer for eternity in this life & the after #IamMuath #كلنا_معاذ
— Mahmoud (@SunZo83) February 3, 2015
This is NOT Islam. The only true Muslim in this whole situation was the Jordanian pilot who was burned alive. #IAmMuath — Lugein Al Fayez (@LLugein) February 3, 2015
Inhumane. Barbaric. Speechless. May you rest in heavenly peace, Muath Kasasbeh. You are our true hero. #IamMuath #كلنا_معاذ
— Dina Al-Wer (@DinaAlwer) February 3, 2015
I will be the man who flew to defend my country & save the world from the terrorists #IamMuath a Jordanian falcon pic.twitter.com/pzGnVwdPqL — Esraa Ayoush (@EsraaAyoush) February 3, 2015
You are a hero for us and you will always be in our prayers and hearts #IAmMuath pic.twitter.com/A1EWICBH62
— ShoRok Ahmed (@ShoroK_88) February 3, 2015
Today I cried over a soldier , a brother , a man who fought for us , for our country , for our unity . He will never be forgotten #IamMuath — Wesam Ayoub #HKJ (@wesam_xx) February 3, 2015
RIP!!! #IamMuath #ISIS_are_NOT_Muslims pic.twitter.com/rtQMvux2i6
— Waseem Ali (@Ali1994Wasim) February 4, 2015
Signs put up in #Amman: ‘We are all #Jordan https://t.co/erXZMcNq5m v @nasseratta5 #IamMuath pic.twitter.com/8fvfJ6ykIy — Joseph Willits (@josephwillits) February 4, 2015
The pilot burnt alive by #ISIS prayed five times a day at the mosque, has performed Hajj and memorized Quran by heart pic.twitter.com/Edz7OQKiZh
— SyedaQudsia Mashhadi (@Madina_e_Sani) February 4, 2015
Today we are all one…we are all united…we are all resolute to eulogize #Muath thru telling the world ” #Jordan is all for one & one for all” — Lina Annab (@LinaAnnab) February 4, 2015
This is a nation in mourning. This is a man considered a national hero – @JomanaCNN on #Jordan’s response to #ISIS pic.twitter.com/6yzELBrytf
— Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) February 4, 2015
#IamMuath Today I stand with #Jordan And all humanity. — Mariam Malik (@mariamsmadness) February 4, 2015
Muath might be dead but, this brave young man lives forever in our hearts & minds. He died 4 our freedom #IAmMuath! pic.twitter.com/OwsT5gZ6R6”
— Jaketah (@jaketah) February 4, 2015