One might come to believe that Ukraine and America are close “friends”, what with the US providing all manner of assistance and training to Ukraine. However, one wonders if this friendship has any roots below the surface. Evidence of fractures in this relationship might have been found, when an apparent Ukrainian whistle-blower came forward claiming that the Ukrainian SBU was behind a hack that was previously blamed on individuals.
Marketwired, PR Newswire and Business Wire were hacked by Ukrainian individuals, who had used their illegally procured “insider knowledge” of news events to profit handsomely in the stock market… the individuals were eventually apprehended by US authorities- I mean, if ANYONE was going to profiteer from insider knowledge, it’s certainly not going to be a bunch of hackers… those High Frequency Traders and big bankers are willing to PAY good money, or grease the right hands, to receive that info before the filthy unwashed masses… the big dogs would be losing money to a bunch of cyberpunks! Outrageous! To be fair though, the hackers were just as keen on screwing the average investors as the big dogs so… yeah.
This was not the first time PRNewswire was hacked, in 2013 it had been hacked and press releases were posted on a website. Good to know that PRNewswire is taking its responsibility of being the world’s largest singular source of propaganda seriously by not learning their lessons.
Nine men (according to Bloomberg and according to CNN) had profited some 30 million dollars, while over two dozen others were implicated in a lawsuit that alleged that they had plundered 275 million dollars. So all’s well that ends well right?? Mission accomplished, we got the bad guys, [insert patriotic quote here]. Well, there is one problem.
You see, these hackers are NOT just a bunch of random individual Ukrainians. They were in fact hired by the Ukrainian intelligence agency, the SBU, or at least that is what a pastebin link by a “dark messiah”, originally shared on Twitter by @AnonymousGlobo, alleges. This would imply that the Ukrainian and US governments, or at least their intelligence agencies, were fighting a cyber war of sorts that started before the Chocolate “King’s” rise to power, a war that might be continuing to this day.
The main message reads:
Today we release a preview of vast economic and political espionage that is ongoing at the time as we type in this manifesto “release post mortem”. We all heard about recent feds bust of Ukrainian nationals charged with hacking into PRNEWSWIRE and BUSINESSWIRE, so we perfectly understand what is happening at the moment we decided to make a leak prev of how Ukrainian Government Security officials do hire hackers and use gov service resources to spy on people and companies. We are talking about General Oleg Frolov of Ukraine SBU, who hired us long time ago to hack into accounts of such famous people as: Petro Poroshenko, Oleg Lyashko, Oleg Tyagnybok, David Zhvania, Boryslav Bereza, Yuri Kosyuk and many others. The scheme Frolov implemented was to get genuine information about the lives of the mentioned people and TOSS IN bullcrap and FORGED materials to be published online using resources controlled by FSB like UkroLeaks and others. Being an active FSB officer Frolov is being engaged in a major spy technology trade scheme in which he delivered source codes and cryptography keys property of UNIS corp (Ukraine based IT company, a government contractor controlled by Zvarych family). UNIS based systems to control mobile terminals and Bluetooth crypto gear (AMON system) are being used by most of the Ukraine gov officials – and Frolov controls it. Information that is being gathered by Frolov is being constantly transmitted to high-ranked FSB officials like: Oleg Tankov, Sergey Ignatchenko and Sergey Koryakov including Chechen Kadyrov mafia bosses. Frolov also instigated technical surveillance on minister Arsen Avakov, Prosecutor’s office officials and Ihor Yeremeev’s “Continium” business group. Frolov’s people on daily basis wiretap Ukrainian journalists as:
Vitaly Portnikov, Sergey Ivanov, Alena Yahno, Vyacheslav Butusov etc.
The doc mentions a “General Oleg Frolov” who seems to somehow both be working at the Ukrainian SBU and the Russian FSB… The author seems to be implying that he was a double-agent of some sort, or a defector to Russia after the ousting of the prior prime minister of Ukraine. This Frolov had hired the author of the doc to dig up real information on Ukrainian politicians for the FSB/SBU (prior to Poroshenko’s ascension to power), but was pissed off that the general was making use of the real hacked documents but coloring them with his own opinions and doctoring them. The doc seems to accuse Ukroleaks of being factually inaccurate, a platform for the FSB.
Interestingly, a search for the mysterious general would turn up only an Oleg Frolov who happened to be working with the Donetsk Republic. Very strange, unless Oleg Frolov is a common Ukrainian name and this general’s identity were completely secret. It sounds like someone could have just heard of that name and used it…
The author then proceeded to plant a backdoor virus in Frolov’s computer, allowing him to obtain documents the general had obtained, and now he is using that as leverage to request a 10,000 USD ransom from Frolov. The author of the doc has some 50 gbs of additional data which he was apparently willing to sell, or provide to the “free media”. It’s all very confusing, but then again this entire business about the Ukrainian conflict is just as messed up.
The pastebin doc had linked to a “preview” of the evidence he provides, but the link has since expired. Thankfully, HQ had a copy saved. If any Anons know how to read the Ukrainian sections below, a translation would be much appreciated.
Of the documents in the “preview”, an Australian visa grant notice for Poroshenko stands out:
The visa grant notice appears visually similar to those actually issued by Australian immigration, though modification of an authentic grant notice is possible. Considering the fact that Poroshenko had assumed his country’s highest office in June 2014, this visa would have allowed him to travel to Australia a several months prior for a period of three days. Not much is known about his travel itinery prior to becoming president, so it’s hard to verify if this visa is authentic.
Documents from ADM Trading, a large agribusiness that deals in coa coa, a key ingredient in chocolate, which mention Poroshenko… Perhaps a major business deal for the Chocolate King:
A series of bank statements:
An invitation from Oleotrading SA ( a small agribusiness company, with little to no information available online) for a Mr Liudvyk Kostiantyn:
Despite listing a Paul Peyer as directer of Oleotrading in the document, it seems that the director’s name is Jean Peyer, according to Linkedin anyway.
A document from WOG, a Ukrainian national retail gas station company:
Some sort of a wiretapping device, with instructions?
Below are the rest of the documents he had provided as a “preview” for your perusal. Being unable to read or write Ukrainian, it is quite beyond me how legitimate much of this is, though if legit it seems to implicate the SBU or the FSB in cyber attacks on an all-powerful propaganda network. Also, that full load of data might contain some interesting facts about the current batch of Ukrainian politicians…
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