Yediot Ahronot, an Israeli newspaper, has quoted Mujtaba du Al-Nour, a senior leader in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, as saying that Iran can destroy Tel Aviv in 6 minutes if attacked by Israel. “If the Zionist regime was confident about its victory in the war, it would have initiated, but it is not strong enough to do that so it’s only threatening. Our missiles can arrive into the heart of Tel Aviv and destroy it in 6 or 7 minutes before the dust and smoke of the Zionists missiles arrive to us…Israelis are cowards; they cannot fight Hamas, while the strength of Hamas and Hezbollah is equal to a small part of Iran’s military power,” Mujtaba said.
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman had earlier said that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was “talking too much about Iran’s nuclear program instead of taking action”. “When Menachem Begin decided to destroy the Iraqi nuclear reactor, there were no speeches or public debate. We woke up one morning – and there was no reactor. The same is true for what we read in the media about Syria. One morning we woke up and the nuclear reactor was not there. Without speeches and without stories,” he said adding, “We need to make decisions and we cannot pin it on anyone, with all my appreciation for the United States. We have to act firmly instead of whining constantly. No agreement will prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. We need to decide alone and to act accordingly”.
Iran is trying to increase its nuclear output capability by 19-fold and equip nuclear warheads, which is a matter of concern for Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who has been warning that a US-Iran deal would make Iran a nuclear threshold state and destroy Israel. Netanyahu addressed the US Congress on March 3 in a speech that raised eyebrows in Israel as well as in the US.
What is this bullshit? Everything here is a lie.
No, the truth is, most Jews are liars!
This world is doomed if jihadists got power. Fucking crazy people!
You fucked your mother …
We are Iranian hackers
Fuck you fuck……….
Mr. Mujtaba du Al-Nour – You’ve got balls bigger than ripe watermelon, he mad yet so right. top kek
well… guess we should nuke al of iran before they get the idea of sending their misiles out then. one nation sakreficed in order to protect the rest of the world.
Are you now entering the political game and playing the scaremonger à la Netanyahu?
ya ya blame the jews, so sick of hearing this BS
Then you’re an idiot.
He didn’t say Jews. He said Zionist. Stop crying.
Zionists and Jews are not the same thing, champ
Agreed. Zionist BS. Net is gonna pull a false flag… it’s like probably on his calendar.
When will the so called liberals understand? Islamic extremists as well as the islamic caliphs are threatning not only world but the human existence itself!!! How can Israelis desert their own PM and support iran and carry out rallies against him instead of supporting him??
You might have heard Aesop’s tales. A pack of wolves used to hunt a herd of sheeps everyday. So a dog was hired to protect them. For a few days, the wolves returned emoty handed and later on they made a plan. They told the sheep that if they were to remove the dog, they wouldn’t harm them. The sheep happily agreed and the next day , there were ni sheep left, at all!!!!
Of course those wanting to establish a islamic order would support agitations against Israel and would rather picture iran as a pitiable nation in front of the world.
And those idiots supporting them, i dont know for what reasons, political, financial gains or ignorance , like ANONYMOUS, please learn more about the matter, about history, about islams religious preachings, the ISIS.
And ANONYMOUS, yes..yes….freedom , privacy, or fundamental rights of suspected individuals can be ignored during matters of national security. If a particular group or faction rises against the nation , of course people of that group will be arrested and detained. Then how the hell does ut become discrimination or hatred towards minority?
Stop manipulating innocent readers and do something that matters, charity, philanthropy,expose scams et cetra!!!
You realize Iran has not attacked anyone in 300 years?
But they’re the Demiurge’s Chosen People. They cannot exist in a state of wrong.
REALLY??? How about Iraq? They had a long war together.
@crusader That war would never have taken place, without american intervention
I like it 😀 I’d permit the destruction of jerusalem as a christian myself, it was stolen and is corrupted, clean it anyway, as for the chocolate lindt that Australia invaded Syria for, it has to be their head of state bowing and grovelling to the balfor declaration, it is just and it is overdue already, Israel is doing no less to Palestine than it will to the entire region if it’s not stopped, netinyahu and his filth need to burn
And Iran, just warn not to be attacked first, because they would nuke all the area then as a defense. I’d do the same at home if I were attacked…
hey Brendan your a christian and want the destruction of Israel? where is your jeebus going to rule forever when he returns with the zombie Apocalypse? upper state new york? and btw nothing was stolen except your brain obviously.
You are no christian, love your niehbor like yourself. You claim a banner that is not yours.
So what, some guys at the Israeli government are getting completely paranoid because the other guys tell they would defend themselves if attacked FIRST ?
+ these guys would ask for the USA to trigger a preventive war with Iran (which would definetely bury the USA as Iran is 10 times more powerful than Iraq).
Who is really blind ?
i hope when israel hit allu a nuke for threatening them all that time , dont say israel looking allu trouble.
I would enjoy watching israel destroyed.
Zionist propaganda, unworthy of Anon support
More Zionist Propaganda!
I think that’s a normal reaction. Please don’t make the picture of Iran terrible. None of you lived there for just a second. Hear the two sides speech then make the decision.
100% of our information about Iran is from media. come on, would you believe it all!!! That’s the media of USA and Israel , they will tell whatever their politics says, and want us to believe not the truth.
What’s your idea? 🙂
Anon shouldnt get involved in politically ( or religious) contentious situations.
The war amongst minorities will rage long after u and me are gone. Unfortunately as benny netinyahoo knows its all about public opinion and marketing, and modern judaism is an absolute sucess story. Jews have been repressed and shit on since the earliest recorded memories in humanity, they are smart, they have had to be. And they are outnumbered, always have been, If we feel that we have the right to judge wrong and right it wont get us anywere, the little things that make israels case strong and the reasons that Iran wont get bigger bombs is because they dont really subscribe to the ethics that the major super powers agree to do. On paper the superpowers have civil rights, eqaulity, and moderately transparent processes in pllace which they use that allow them to take accountability for their actions. Unfortunately Islam doesnt preach eqaulity or peacful outcomes i know moderate muslims are lovely but they need to stop jumping up and down crying fowl and work out a united stance to combat extremism. Finally, and sadly Judaism / Christianity and Islam ALL HONOUR THE SAME GOD, WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A PROBLEM. Theres a problem because religion was so fundamental in creating social laws that used to keep us safe that the people who wrote and re-wrote the books all had agendas for better or worse, once humanity realises that we might have a shot at a bit of peace.
the legion will not move
Since when Anonymous became pro Israeli and site Netanyahu the worst criminal on this god damn planet as a reference Iran does not possess nuclear device and even the Mossad agreed that information
When did Anonymous decide to support the Zionist Entity? The graph claiming that the missiles it pictures “threaten the MAJORITY (emphasis yours) of” ‘Israel’s’ population is pure Amerikan CIA-style propaganda. The missiles concerned have not been part of any threat of any kind against the apartheid-loving genocidal monsters of the Zionist Entity currently occupying Palestine by brute force and rogue nuclear capability. I have been a supporter of Anonymous since it first emerged. Now you can fuck off Zionist shills.
Since it is owned by the establishment ..spastics
Soooo…. Baghdad Bob was hired by Iran?
Iraq war? Duh!
have you ever been in a fight? the one that lands the first punch is the guilty one? Iraq attacks and Iran defends, which means Iran still hasn’t attacked anyone in 300 years, idk how u peepz think but if anyone lands one punch on me, ill rip his heart out, and as im a Persian i know that my land will do the same when its needed
BTW before anyone say an idiotic Bullshut ill gladly inform you about the wealth of Israel and where they got it from!
around 2500 years ago were the jews slaves in the own land, working in the fucking mines, the Persian king the great Cyruc conquered their land and gave it back to the jews, he freed all jews and gave them a very huge amount of wealth so they don’t even need to work as they had suffered enough
at least now you know what we Persian did for the jews, we even made them rich?
just don’t ask who the Cyruc is, that would be the dumbest question for anyone from any race, do not ask me that, google it up and see what Iran has done for everyone on the planet bu, Persia rules more than half of the world for thousands of years and that’s why they fear Persia, they don’t want Persia to rule no more
read this please, jews only exist today becuz of persians