It seems the tables have turned on ISIS: The Syrian opposition group, Jaysh al-Islam has executed 18 alleged Islamic State militants, in a video that has emerged which was filmed by the rebel organization.
The 20 minutes long video, showed fighters from Jaysh al-Islam (Army of Islam) wearing orange prison attire; this is the same attire that the victims of Islamic State are often executed in.
However, things didn’t go according to the usual ISIS script, as the orange “prisoners” executed 18 men who were dressed in black garb that was reminiscent of IS’s main dress style.
The Hollywood-style production, with numerous computer graphics and special effects included, was also similar to the ISIS style.
The alleged members of IS were then forced to kneel in a long line, before they were executed without a struggle with a bullet to the head. The shots were filmed from numerous angles and also included some gruesome close-ups.
The executions were apparently in retaliation for the deaths of at least of three of the rebel group’s members, who were beheaded by ISIS, AFP reports.
The video also included numerous use of sectarian language, while it also accused the group of betraying Sunni Muslims and allying with Shiite Muslims and “Nusayris,”which is a derogatory term for the Alawite sect, to which the Syrian President Bashar Assad belongs. While it’s good that ISIS gets as good as it gives, it seems like rebel groups like these are far from the “moderate” Islamists that the mainstream likes to portray. The only difference between ISIS and these guys is that these guys want to focus wholeheartedly on destroying Assad and the Alawites, as opposed to creating some Islamic state by forcibly absorbing other rebels…. The gruesome tactics that they deploy and the extremist ideologies are largely the same.
Interrogations that appear during the video also show apparent “confessions” from the prisoners that IS had concentrated mainly on fighting against other opposition groups, rather than on fighting against troops loyal to Assad.
Made up of over 50 different factions, Jaysh al-Islam, has as many as 25,000 loyal fighters. It has received financial backing from the Gulf States, which is unsurprising.
Jaysh al-Islam also launched a major offensive against the Syrian capital in February. They launched at least 40 rockets at homes, reportedly leaving dozens of civilians wounded and at least three dead. Whatever, who cares about those people living in the last bastion of Syria that hasn’t been completely decimated yet. Go team freedom! Kill for your gulf/US masters!
Source: RT
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the dirtbags should have been executed in the same fashion as the INNOENT PEOPLE they murdered! thay got off too easy !