A J.K. Rowling fan, who wanted to give up, reached out to the author on Twitter and asked her what she would advice to someone who failed to find the meaning of life.
@jk_rowling This may get lost in the noise..but what would you say to someone who has failed to find meaning and wants to finally give up?
— Brocaesar (@BrocaesarTV) May 4, 2015
The message didn’t get lost in the noise; Rowling replied to the fan in a series of encouraging and inspiring tweets:
.@BrocaesarTV I would say: look at this. pic.twitter.com/2N0FUgh1On — J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) May 4, 2015
.@BrocaesarTV And this. pic.twitter.com/YA2MRoGK7g
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) May 4, 2015
.@BrocaesarTV And even this. pic.twitter.com/Fpx6HYGRaz — J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) May 4, 2015
.@BrocaesarTV And I’d say, the world is full of wonderful things you haven’t seen yet. Don’t ever give up on the chance of seeing them.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) May 4, 2015
Her response was genuinely heart-warming and beautiful. The overwhelmed fan then responded:
I’m tearing up over here! Humans can truly be amazing to one another. Thank you @jk_rowling and everyone replying. — Brocaesar (@BrocaesarTV) May 4, 2015
@jk_rowling May I write you? I would love to write more than 140 characters. I already have a rough letter done 🙂 Today has been amazing.
— Brocaesar (@BrocaesarTV) May 4, 2015
Rowling, who had suicidal thoughts in her mid-20s when she was a single mother and struggling to establish a career, addressed her struggle with depression in a 2008 interview with a student journalist. “We’re talking suicidal thoughts here, we’re not talking ‘I’m a little bit miserable’. I have never been remotely ashamed of having been depressed. Never. What’s to be ashamed of? I went through a really rough time and I am quite proud that I got out of that,” she said.
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Truly heart-warming… People can be really awesome.
This is what the “celebrity-gossip” news should cover. Come on, show our children good things guys. Introduce them to a deeper sense of compassion instead of a deeper inconsequential and cumbersome sense of vanity.
I didn’t know angels write books and have a twitter account.