And as always, this one came from WikiLeaks.
Recently, True Activist wrote about how the U.S. orchestrated the ISIS threat to bring war to Syria and help Israel. Some thought the notion to be ridiculous, but this latest finding about presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton solidifies those suspicions.
It turns out that one of the leaked emails from Hillary’s private server that were released by WikiLeaks recently exposes how the aspiring Presidential candidate wanted to put Syria into civil war in hopes of overthrowing Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad – something that Clinton calls as ”the best way to help Israel,” to nullify Iran’s nuclear power.
The leaked email also revealed how Clinton wrote that it was the ”right thing” to personally threaten the Syrian President’s family with death. And even though U.S. Intelligence has already dismissed Iran’s atom bomb program, this didn’t stop Clinton from her warmongering as she seemed intent on destroying Syria for Israel’s sake.
”The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad,” Clinton wrote in the leaked email.
”It is the strategic relationship between Iran and the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria that makes it possible for Iran to undermine Israel’s security – not through a direct attack, which in the thirty years of hostility between Iran and Israel has never occurred, but through its proxies in Lebanon, like Hezbollah, that are sustained, armed and trained by Iran via Syria,” Clinton added. ”The end of the Assad regime would end this dangerous alliance. Israel’s leadership understands well why defeating Assad is now in its interests.’‘
“Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel’s security, it would also ease Israel’s understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly. Then, Israel and the United States might be able to develop a common view of when the Iranian program is so dangerous that military action could be warranted. Right now, it is the combination of Iran’s strategic alliance with Syria and the steady progress in Iran’s nuclear enrichment program that has led Israeli leaders to contemplate a surprise attack – if necessary over the objections of Washington. With Assad gone, and Iran no longer able to threaten Israel through its proxies, it is possible that the United States and Israel can agree on red lines for when Iran’s program has crossed an unacceptable threshold. In short, the White House can ease the tension that has developed with Israel over Iran by doing the right thing in Syria.”
“The rebellion in Syria has now lasted more than a year. The opposition is not going away, nor is the regime going to accept a diplomatic solution from the outside. With his life and his family at risk, only the threat or use of force will change the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad’s mind.”
To date, there have now been over 250,000 people killed in the Syrian conflict. If Hillary Clinton ends up as the U.S. President, we can expect that to continue. And the worst part of all this? Voting for Donald Trump is just as bad because, while Hillary promotes war, the Donald promotes bigotry, prejudice, and racism.
Maybe Americans should just all vote for John Cena instead.
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This article (Hillary Clinton wanted war in Syria to benefit Israel) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com.
If I were old enough, I would most defiantly vote for Anonymous.Even though it seems like it’s too late…I feel like it’s never to late to try to get our country in place for once in years. As far as I am concerned our presidents always say the same thing and want the same thing. Why not take a different route? Make a brand new start to this country or possibly the world.
can anyone tell me why this crazy bitch isn’t in a jail cell yet?
#ISA @InternationalStatesofAmerica
Just goes to show how messed up it is in America, and they want us to trust them, go to war with them, there were cowboys and Indians at first, now its cowboys and the oil war on terror!!! greedy bastards destroyed the course of every country’s future, and for what, POWER, OIL AND GREED…… they deserve to be obliterated off the map…. WATCH OUT RUSSIA IS COMING TO GET YOU…. wait and see…