Written by: Anon.Dos
Andrey Kudenko a builder in terms of professional career has taken to building a cement castle in his backyard. Remaining at 3 x 5 meters, this castle simply happens to be the planets initial 3D printed solid castle, and one of the biggest objects created utilizing a 3D printer. Not able to find a commercial solution for his idea, he set about making a printer on his own. Using an Arduino microcontroller and a set of extraordinary drivers, he could make a gadget that takes into account printing free-layering concrete.
Despite the fact that he’s had the thought to make easily built lodging since he was a teenager, the technology didn’t exist to make his fantasy a reality. From that point forward, he has happened to increase involvement in structural engineering and designing, and in that time, technology has at long last gotten up to speed to meet his creative ability. With the first structure effectively printed, he would like to utilize it as confirmation that this idea, and his machine, is the fate of the construction business. Until then, he plans to refine his designs and make a machine that might be utilized to print a decent structure in one prefect print.
Though he just began the project two years ago, he has a great deal to show form his determination. He is likewise at present looking to team up with interested designer, architects, modelers, and programmers to develop his plans. He additionally needs space to inevitably print a full estimated house utilizing a far better and a perfect 3D printer. On the off chance that you or anybody you know wants to help him out, you can contact him, maybe you might be a piece of what he calls a new era of structural engineering, all determined upon 3D printing.
‘one prefect print’?
Wow that’s amazing!
The guys from Hackaday.com would prolly jump on the chance to assist I would imagine.
They have been working with arduino for quite some time (in very unique ways) and something of this scope might interest them.