You may have heard that former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, recently condemned Donald Trump’s immigration rhetoric, calling it “ugly”. You may have also heard about how businesses have cut ties with Trump since his bigoted comments. You may, however, have missed a Mexican laborer’s response to the racially charged remarks made by the Republican running for president of the United States in 2016.
“That son of a gun who says we’re all thieves? Look, bastard, how we rape… these stakes! How we work ourselves to death just to eat. I make $1,100/week and the government takes $350 to feed your lazy, unemployed drug addicts. This is my drug, you bastard! This one’s my drug and this one’s my booze, fool! (referring to his sledgehammer and his hammer),” he told an interviewer.
On June 16, real-estate magnate Donald Trump, while announcing that he was seeking the Republican Party nomination for the November 2016 presidential election, described the Mexican migrants within the United States as drug-runners and rapists.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting,” he said during the opening of his campaign at Trump Tower, on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue.
A number of corporations, including Macy’s, NBC, and Univision, immediately distanced themselves from Trump. NBC and Univision decided not to air the Trump-owned Miss Universe Pageant; Macy’s dropped his signature clothing line; New York Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, ordered a review of Trump’s city contracts, and NASCAR moved an annual banquet from the Trump National Doral resort in Miami.
Donald Trump’s feeling the backlash for his comments on Mexican immigrants. Companies and celebrities are responding: http://t.co/lOPvVmYoV5
— AJ+ (@ajplus) July 5, 2015
Public outrage and backlash strangely ‘surprised’ Trump, who stood by his offensive, inflammatory and derogatory remarks and defended his opinion. “The crime is raging and it’s violent. And if you talk about it, it’s racist. I didn’t know it was going to be this severe. I am a whipping post,” Trump told Fox News.
Donald Trump is the funniest standup comedian in the game right now. His bit on Mexican rapists is hilarious. Watch out, Jerry Seinfeld! — Ray William Johnson (@RayWJ) July 5, 2015
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Was there ever any doubt Trump is a dumbass douchbag? Seriously like that some shock
You do realize that he didnt say all fucking mexicans do these things right? I mean you just made yourself look like an idiot. But if you live in my fucking state Arizona you know what he is saying is fucking true as complete fuck. He said illegals. ITS TRUE I LIVE HERE! Right now I am in yuma I see this shit everywhere!! All you fucking bitches who live in newyork and washington have no fucking clue what goes on down here you fucking bitches come down here live here for 16 years and tell me what you think then.
Lol! For some one trying to defend Mr. Chump you sure are a very articulate person lol after all every 5 words or so you couldnt help your self but to curse & use words of hatred just like that chump did. It is weird tho, so what you are saying is that the state of Arizona is full of Rapist, drug dealers & gang bangers who are all illegal. On another note if you check the statistics of crimes that happened in Arizona during 2013, the Caucasians were either in FIRST or SECOND place as the offenders. Stats & Government issued reports are not just made up!
And last but not least, let us not forget that the United States of America is composed of 50 States NOT JUST ARIZONA! So this crying & bitching of what is going on in Arizona is a mere small number in comparison to who is committing the most crimes in the USA all together. The fact is, there is bad human beings in all races, not one is better than the other! It is just easier to point the finger at others & attempt making your self look like a better race that does not commit any crime & always follows the law! Maybe next time before you make your self look like a total bias moron who is just speaking because she has a mouth, you will look into statistics so that you do not look like a total retard! JS!
Mitchell, you and I both know these liberal, self-destructive morons will never understnad what is going on down here. They don’r care as it does fit their bizarre, self-loathing agenda. I have been here in AZ my entire life. Odd to become a victim of racism on nearly a weekly basis from illegals from Mexico and elsewhere (everything from Bangladesh to the Phillipines oddly enough). This crap has hit very close to home as I am TWO degrees removed from the victim of one Mr. Apolinar Altamariano an ILLEGAL who murdered Mr. Grant Ronnebeck, a 19 year old white U.S. Citizen, by shooting him in the face as he worked his job at a convenience store. Let these liberals start having their friend and family get murdered by outsiders and you and I can sit back and share some popcorn and watch to see how they react when it touches their lives.
Oh and Serigo, Mitchell said nothinng about ALL latinos being criminals. Clearly, YOU are biased and a racist based upon your ASSUMPTION that is what he meant. Finally, these ILLEGALS commited a crime the MOMENT they entered the USA and many of them are criminals to start with. So, do us all a favor. STFU.