It has just been announced that Microsoft is joining the Linux Foundation.
Linux’s arch-rivalry is turning into a friendship as Microsoft recently announced the new partnership on Nov. 16, 2016, in New York.
Microsoft has announced that their next version of their SQL server will be for Windows and Linux. Google also joins in on .Net foundation, and furthermore, Microsoft also announced that they are releasing their largely popular software, Visual Studio, for Apple computers, as well.
I double checked that it wasn’t April, so it can’t be an April fool’s joke. I also walked outside this morning with my coffee in hand, and the sun wasn’t rising from the west. But all jokes aside, the announcement of Microsoft joining the open source industry, Linux Foundation, is taking the world by great surprise. Why the sudden expansion for an already profitable company?
The large technology giant, Microsoft, has openly hated the concept of open source. However, in recent years, their new CEO, Satya Nadella, is now joining their long-time nemesis in building a better future for technology – together!
Does “If you can’t beat them, join them,” spring to mind?
Linux was originally developed in order to fight against Microsoft’s closed source architecture, all the while breaking the hinges of hegemony over regular desktop computing. For those who remember, Bill Gates spent a lot of time back in the 90s, building his brand as a major competitor over Linux.
Back in March, Microsoft also announced their release of an open “Public View Edition” of their SQL server database, in which they have made generously available to Linux-based operating servers.
For those that are SQL server running Linux, you can download a copy of the Microsoft’s SQL database here. While this edition is a public view, it is also a major aspect of the full version that will soon be launched in Microsoft’s next SQL server version. The world will anticipate this new server launch as it will be the first server to operate on both Linux and Windows.
Going over to Microsoft’s .NET Foundation, Google is joining in on the .NET Foundation. Google is not the only company looking into joining it either. In fact, Samsung is collaborating with Microsoft, bringing the .NET Foundation to the traditional Tizen Operating System. This new collaboration will provide future developments for the Smart TV, as well as mobile devices, such as your smart phone or tablets.
And closing this article off, Microsoft is also releasing a version of their Visual Studio for Apple users. And when we circle back around to the top of this article, we only have one question in mind, “What is Microsoft up to?” The only thing we can be sure of is a bright future in technology as we all look closer into the world of open source.
Resources: Microsoft (Joining Linux Foundation), Linux Foundation, Microsoft (Blog Post), Microsoft (SQL Server Open-Source).
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how many families is said to have actually real power over this world? 3 isn’t it? because of the massive systems and influences perhaps. why three families or such? why no more no less no ups no downs no differences no changes? even against the rich and super rich. actually the illuminati is like ‘where the light comes from in this world’ even on top of the elite itself. but then in many images on the web appears three families and then lots of groups like the knights of malta and other groups. what does this seems? it seems that there were no changes for a generation 12 to 30 years age. why nothing changed and why are they so worried about their power? why no one got out of the system? why no other like from anywhere in the world did something as big or opposite to those 3 families of the illuminati and now they are revelating from the shadows slowly, because the people that did this are still alive or the game would change… so they created a lot of rich people even to create monopolies, manipulate take over control monopolies and to have rich people to work for them and to defend their wrong materialistic money ideologies. a common thing in the materialistic world to all is money and they play with illusion tricks… they still updating, they dont know everything… three families because there is not more for now because the game is also new… so why bill gates and facebook and google are new and are linked to the illuminati… google born in 1999. linked to the cia, nsa, echelon, drapa? who they all work for? who asks for the most broaden projects or even abstract… you know what i mean. and it all started with the technology and consumerism. computers and TV news of the affordable TV program. then plays in the markets, monopolies of companies to link everything to bilderberg, then surveillance system. and if this all was to take control because someone had the idea to control everyones freedom to have unique gifts and absolute power was right before it, it is a set combination toolkit of ideas to win. so we are talking in one generation only 12-30 years. so why are other big countries going to the same bullshit. fighting for the same thing because people can’t know the difference between being with a totally different technology for different ideology. like magic, like fun technology, like modular or even healthy security technology. so you see that if in one side of the world they created technologies abstract broaden that affects everything and it is bad for control monopoly and power why is every other country following it… is it so good? is it technologies masterpieces, state of art? everyone had to had it… where are all those minds that create new unique ideas for the future? where are the scientists and minds that continue to have ‘holdings’ of secrets of ideas to have quiet calm minds because of abstraction to be able to think in the problems and daily life without issues and sleep well. so now you know where even the richest people belong. the same direction than poor people. this is all about ‘holdings’ and ‘possessions’… and to have money and worries is also a problem, even for the rich… so now look to the illuminati three families and see, if they work with money or the mind… right, because then they would be on the outside and no one could control them through the means they themselves are dooming controling manipulating the world. they don’t want for themselves what they are doing to the rest. google is not a cia project, it is a project os minds, a project linked to the internet echelon surveillance system itself that goes through the pipes of secretism of this world.