Written by: Vandita
Is Monsanto, the American agro-business conglomerate and first to genetically modify a plant cell, and FDA, responsible for supervising food safety and protecting and promoting public health, working hand in hand? Why is it that the mainstream media is keeping a dangerous silence on this partnership?
Michael Taylor served as deputy commissioner for policy to the FDA on food safety, returned to Monsanto as Vice President for Public Policy, and is now Senior Advisor to the Commissioner of the FDA. The frequent entry and exit between Monsanto and the US government has allowed Monsanto to profit by favourable regulations at the expense of customer safety.
Go back a few years in recent past and you would remember the Just-Label-It campaign. A number of activist groups petitioned the FDA for mandating labelling of genetically modified food all across United States of America. Some surveys did indicate that around 90 percent of Americans wanted GMO labels on food.
The Just-Label-It campaign collected signatures from 1 million Americans but the FDA observed that only 394 comments were submitted by the group. The main petition was submitted as a single document and the FDA chose to count it as one comment (the other 393 comments came from individuals who contacted the agency separately). Makes you frown? It surely does.
The worst is Obama was rhetorically supportive of mandating GMO products to be labelled. Despite Obama’s supposed support for such labelling, his administration was silent on the issue during this fight and, as a result, no mandate was passed.
The fact that there still is no federal regulation on GMO labelling is no fluke. Consider these two key statements from Monsanto and FDA from the 1990s when the commercial sale of genetically modified crops began in America.
Quoted in the New York Times Magazine (October 25, 1998, Playing God in the Garden), Philip Angell, Monsanto’s director of corporate communications, famously stated: “Monsanto shouldn’t have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA’s job.”
From the Federal Register, Volume 57, No.104, Statement of [FDA] Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties, here is what the FDA had to say on this matter: “Ultimately, it is the food producer who is responsible for assuring safety.”
These two statements are a clear indication that passing the buck back and forth was the strategy by which genetically modified food was sneaked into the US food supply even though there was no one to take responsibility of the risk the GM food posed to human health. The deal to give free passage to GM food was substantially aimed at making profits and establishing a new monopoly on food rather than health, technology or feeding the world.
Putting the world’s food supply into fewer hands seems to be high on the globalist agenda. In this case, it was about gene drift. It is well known that once planted, genetically modified organisms escape their fields and contaminate natural crops, killing biodiversity one plant at a time. GM crops taint the farmland and there is no stopping it; it is only spreading. Monsanto convinced the farmers to lock themselves into GMO-seed contracts, bought up food-seed companies in order to engineer the seed, and the gene-drift factor was an advantage that Monsanto had that other people didn’t know about.
Here is evidence that, even in earlier days, Monsanto knew about and pushed for the globalist agenda. Quoted by J. Flint, in his 1998 Agricultural Giants Moving Towards Genetic Monopolism, Robert Fraley, head of Monsanto’s agri-division, stated: “What you are seeing is not just a consolidation of [Monsanto-purchased] seed companies. It’s really a consolidation of the entire food chain.”
Globalists are stern in their actions and are very seriously concerned about the results. Taking the ownership of world food is part of their strike-force action plan, and Monsanto is the technocratic arm of that plan.
The Monsanto-FDA sordid saga has been treated shabbily by the mainstream media. It is not that journalists are not doing their duties. They do pretend that they’re reporting the real news; they do give the impression that Monsanto, GMO and the FDA are safe and have no controversy or major issue. On and off they do release a troubling piece about Monsanto. But these stories are more to deceive, are found generally on page 7, reveal very little, and die before they gather steam.
The controlled press produces stories that merely present both sides of a conflict without drawing conclusions. And it was no different in this case. The New York Times and the Washington Post could gain millions both in readership and dollars by just uncovering the truth and exposing the lies of Monsanto and GMO food. But they chose to neglect their responsibilities and became the mute spectator of globalist propaganda. Major media are part and parcel of Monsanto’s future… And they know it.