Written by: Justin King at theantimedia.org
Everybody knows the names Eric Garner, Mike Brown, and John Crawford. Those names are now etched in the collective memories of the US and will remain there for quite some time. Three incidents hardly shows a pattern of police brutality and corruption. What else has happened recently that might have contributed to a complete disregard for anyone wearing a badge?
In February, a cop shot and killed a high school student because he answered the door holding a video game remote. The cop was there to serve a minor violation of probation warrant on someone else in the home. Previously the officer opened fire on another unarmed person, but missed. It is clear at this point that holding anything in your hands is grounds for the police to murder you.
In March, cops killed a homeless man for “illegally camping.” While he was attempting to surrender, he was shot repeatedly, hit with a grenade, attacked by a K-9, and then shot with a bean bag while he bled to death in the dirt. An officer announced his intentions to shoot the man two hours before the first shot was fired. He is retiring with full benefits. The video is available here.
In April, cops gunned down the victim of a serious assault after he tried to get away from his assailant to the “safety” of the police. The cops had established an “entry team” near the door and announced their presence. The entry team was obviously untrained and announcing your presence before making a dynamic entry in a hostage situation is quite literally against every rule in the book.
In May, cops in Habersham Georgia tossed a concussion grenade through a window into a crib and blew a hole in the child who wound up in a coma. They were serving a petty drug warrant. Of course, the person they were looking for didn’t even live there. The department then refused to pay for the medical bills for the child they maimed.
Also in May, cops beat a man with a flashlight and tazed him because he was disoriented in an apartment complex. He was asking for help and he wound up dying.
In September, a man who was carrying a decorative sword was killed by Utah cops after they say he attacked them. Of course later, surveillance footage from local businesses was released that showed the man “running for his life.” He was shot in the back. The shooting was predictably ruled as a “justified shoot” and the killers never faced trial.
In November, charges were tossed out against an officer who killed a 7-year-old girl while she was sleeping during a botched raid. The fatal shot was fired by a cop who was blinded by a grenade that had been thrown by another officer. Since he couldn’t see, the only responsible thing to do was to start firing. Surprisingly, the cops didn’t claim they were in fear for their life, nor did they plant a weapon on the 7-year-old. The killer was charged, but then the charges were dropped.
Also in November, Salt Lake City cops were cleared in the shooting of an unarmed man outside a gas station. The local media played a wonderful part in clearing the killers by repeatedly pointing out that the man was above the .08 blood alcohol level for driving, which doesn’t really matter since he wasn’t in a car. They also attempted to paint him as suicidal. It should be noted that cops in Utah kill more people than drug dealers or gang members.
Also in November, an NYPD cop shot and killed an unarmed man in a stairway because… well he was there with his children. There has still been no reason given for the murder. The case is on its way to the grand jury, and we know how that will turn out.
Just a few days ago in Arizona, cops killed another unarmed man because… well, why not? It’s not like they have ever had to explain their actions.
The worst part about this list is that it is nowhere near complete. Police kill someone every single day in this country. Sometimes it is justified, sometimes it is clearly not justified, and sometimes the only thing the public has is the word of the officers involved, which has become notoriously unreliable. In the same timeframe, cops killed more Americans than died in the Iraq war. An American is more likely to be killed while unarmed by a cop than to be killed by the dreaded ISIS terrorist group. If 9/11 is discounted, murder by cop is more likely than being killed by all terrorist groups combined. In the last 15 years, more than 25% of people killed by the NYPD were unarmed.
It should be noted that the number of cops shot and killed last year was 33. That’s the lowest rate of officer “death by gunfire” in over 100 years. There are also exponentially more officers patrolling the streets of Police State USA. Being a cop is not a statistically dangerous job. It isn’t even in the top ten of dangerous jobs. Your local pizza delivery driver has a higher chance of being killed on duty than a cop.
This is an epidemic that the US government will not address. After all, it’s better to have a population that lives in fear than one that will exercise their rights. With a government that encourages officers to act like the Gestapo, is there any real surprise that protests and riots are breaking out all over the country?
Author’s note: Not all months are listed in order to have room to profile multiple cases in the same month.
Source: http://theantimedia.org/murder-by-cop-the-year-in-review/
why is it that you only publish the black community put all the pictures up that were shot by the police. And “murdered” really? If these people were following the law they would not have been in a situation where the police would have had to even pull the weapon (to protect themselves) by protecting the law abiding citizen.
Linda, really?! There is a huge amount of people that gets shot and what not by the cops for no fucking reason. Do you honestly believe every goddamn cop is innocent?! You’re way too ignorant or just really stupid.
Umm… I’m no genius but I believe that what the judicial system is for. Resisting arrest is a crime who’s max punishment is jail time not death, there’s a reason for that. To be a cop I would imagine you would have to have a certain level of patience and professionalism considering you signed up to deal with criminals. These cops are seriously lacking that. Your basically saying cops should have the right to kill people for breaking any crime no matter how big or small. Which is dumb bc we’d all be dead.
When people like you link Michael Browns suicide by cop with other cases, you guarantee things will never change and cops will never be held accountable for their lawlessness.
God help us if you become the ‘spokesman.”
My brother Mark Morse was murdered by law enforcement in Phoenix Az Feb 04, 2010. I guess people just don’t want to believe or take the responsibility that it takes to do what is necessary when the system is failing.People have died for freedom what makes it right to enjoy freedom but not defend it like those before us. Unless you want your children to be slaves or worse people should open their eye’s and get familiar with your surroundings & not your TV before it’s to late in my opinion. God Bless
My brother Mark Morse was murdered by law enforcement in Phoenix Az Feb 04, 2010. I guess people just don’t want to believe or take the responsibility that it takes to do what is necessary when the system is failing.People have died for freedom what makes it right to enjoy freedom but not defend it like those before us. Unless you want your children to be slaves or worse people should open their eye’s and get familiar with your surroundings & not your TV before it’s to late in my opinion. God Bless
As to the post referring to black people being shot by cops being the only one’s aired on national television. The news media is controlled by the government and our government would rather a race war than an uprising. Quit focusing on race,and start paying attention to the real problem.
The root of the problem is not the cops. The root of the problem are the district attorneys, the prosecutors and the jury members that don’t convict. If we had one straight year of convictions, this would end.