Mythical Tomb of Osiris, God of The Underworld, Discovered In Egypt


A Spanish-Italian archaeological team in Egypt has discovered an ancient reproduction of the legendary Tomb of Osiris, the god of the dead in Egyptian mythology, in the necropolis of Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, on the West Bank at Thebes.

The enormous tomb is complete with multiple shafts and chambers. The tomb complex has a huge hall supported by five pillars and a staircase that leads to the funerary complex consists of carving of Osiris. It also has a room with a wall relief depicting a demon holding knives; according to the leader of the archaeological team Dr. María Milagros Álvarez Sosa, demons are there to protect the body of the deceased.

The emerald statue of the god of the dead is situated in a central vaulted chapel. Opposite the statue is a staircase with a 29.5 foot shaft leading to another chamber. Inside this chamber is a second shaft that descends 19.6 feet into two more rooms. The tomb embodies all the features of the tomb of Osiris, as told in ancient Egyptian legends, and is a smaller version of the design of the Osireion, built under Egyptian Pharaoh Seti I located in the city of Abydos, Luxor. Researchers believe that the tomb dates back to the 25th dynasty (760 – 656 BC) or the 26th dynasty (672 – 525 BC) based on its architectural similarity with Osireion.

Sketch showing the outline of the tomb of Osiris. Drawing of the tomb’s architecture made by Raffaella Carrera, MinProject (Archaeological Mission Canaria-Toscana).


According to Luxor Times Magazine, “The symbolism of Osiris is very evident here, since all the elements recalling the mythical Osiris tomb are present. A big staircase of 3.5 meter long with a 4 meter high ceiling at the bottom leading to the Netherworld and another one leading directly to the Osiris statue, which is therefore at a higher level and ideally isolated on ‘his island’; the Osiris statue itself; the empty corridor surrounding it which symbolizes the channel of water (see Osireion in Abydos); the expected burial chamber below the statue, thus identifying the deceased with Osiris”.

Photo by Matjaz Kacicnik. Min Project


According to Egyptian mythology, Osiris, god of the underworld, was killed by his jealous brother Set, god of storms, disorder and violence; he shut Osiris in a beautifully decorated box and threw it into the Nile River. Isis, Osiris’ wife, found his body and restored him to life long enough to conceive a son, Horus. Later, Set discovered Osiris’ body hid by Isis, cut it into pieces, and scattered them throughout Egypt. Isis collected all the pieces and restored Osiris to life once again. This form of Osiris travelled to the underworld in a boat and became god of the dead. Horus, his son, became the destroyer of the evil Set.



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  1. Someone get this message out I’m begging you, tell the ones who found the tomb to reseal it, it wasn’t meant to be discovered. That tomb is cursed and dangerous.

  2. This article is not accurate about the legend. Isis found all the parts of Osiris except his penis, so she made a golden phallus and consecrated it as his symbol. This became the obelisk, the upward pointing triangle that contains the eye, at the top of the pyramid. The obelisk is also the Washington Monument and also the obelisk in the outer courtyard of the Vatican, which itself was designed as (when viewed from above) a woman’s hands cupped around the obelisk. The Vatican is the woman spoken of in Revelation 13, the whore of Babylon, the false church.

    • Actually, the whore of Babylon is religion, not a specific church or sect. Christ came to demolish the church, and destroy the power the religious leaders held. Through religion, one man holds the keys to heaven.

      Matthew 6:6 Confirms we are not meant to pray publicly, or hold our faith on display.

  3. Humanity’s historic discoveries are fascinating…It’s interesting to gain pieces of information on a people’s old way of life.

  4. This sounds like an elaborate ruse by the Egyptian government to gain tourist revenue. I would be surprised if they built this chamber recently. I call BS.

  5. I hope it is it, and I hope its cursed and I hope even more that those human demons who walk on mothers back are sent back to where they came from. Judgement day is a long time overdue!!
    Oh! If theres any artifacts in that cave Someone best tell the staff in the Egyptian museum to keep their grubby hands well away. The damage they did to king Tuts death mask is criminal!


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