Bangui, Central African Republic – A mission of innovative Catholic nuns are fighting malnutrition by growing spirulina ( a form of blue-green algae) behind their health center, and so far their efforts are paying off… tremendously.
“None of our babies die anymore, we have a huge success with this,” stated Sister Margherita Floris.
Bangui is a war-torn city, and the nuns at St. Joseph Health Center have dealt with some of the most severe effects from it. Muslims and Christians have been battling each other in the broken city, costing thousands of lives since 2012, and displacing hundreds of thousands more from their homes. Malnutrition, according to Sister Margherita, is one of the saddest effects of the war, and it’s on the rise.
Reports of malnutrition in the area have tripled in the last year, as families are unable to plant crops, or earn a living. As the conflict continues, people have less access to sanitation, clean water, and health care, and the death rate from malnutrition during the rainy season increases due to malaria and diarrhea.
Photographer, Sebastian Rich, traveled to the Central African Republic to record the nun’s accomplishments. In a conversation with Sister Margherita, she stated that the number of children being treated for acute malnutrition in Bangui “is so many, too many, I can’t count, but we try to do our very best.”
The sisters at St. Joseph Health Center mainly attend to women and children with pre and post-natal care, and they do their best to provide for the children, but supplies are dangerously low. Most often, supply trucks are held up due to security issues across the country and never even reach the facility.
With the aid of a French pharmacist who had passed through the region a few years ago, the nuns have learned to grow the protein and vitamin-rich algae in large concrete tanks in their own backyard.
Reports from the U.S.’s National Institutes of Health state there is insufficient evidence to rate the effectiveness of this type of algae when used to aid in malnutrition, yet it has been found that when spirulina is combined with other foods, children start to gain weight. The algae provides all the essential amino acids, as well as minerals such as iron, and is the highest natural source of complete proteins, omega fatty acids, and antioxidants.
For those who are affiliated with any organizations that sends aid to third-world countries, it has been suggested that this obtainable source of beneficial nutrition be considered as an effective alternative to traditional canned supplies.
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Martin, Kristina. Organic Lifestyle. Apr 6, 2015. (http://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com/algae-growing-nuns-in-central-african-grow-spirulina-for-malnourished-children/)
Rich, Sebastian. PBS. Mar 27, 2015. (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/algae-growing-nuns-in-central-african-republic/)
Doesn’t cyanobacteria produce various types of toxins including neurotoxin?