Written by: John Vibes at theantimedia.org
This week, Obama announced a renewed push for tighter internet regulations in congress, citing the need for additional cyber-security in light of the recent hack on Sony.
The White House has been taking this opportunity to initiate strategies that had already been planed for years. Many internet freedom activists actually expected for these types of suggestions to be coming out of the White House after any type of internet incident or irregularity.
At a press conference on Friday, President Obama said that he had assigned a “cyber agency team to look at everything we could do at the government level to prevent these kinds of attacks.”
During the press conference Obama also said that, “We have been correlating with the private sector but a lot more needs to be done,” and urged congress for “stronger cybersecurity laws in the new year.”
Other government represenatives such as White House Economic Council Director Jeff Zient are also pushing for tighter cyber-security laws. At a Politico breakfast on Friday, Zients said that the President would take executive action to pass internet regulations “if federal government assets were at risk.”
“In order to take this to the next level we need legislation,“ Zients told Politico.
As we have been covering this week, the US government has been attempting to lay the blame on North Korea for the Sony hack, but many experts and Sony employees actually believe that it was an inside job, possibly carried out by a disgruntled employee.
While government officials are talking about how to respond to this alleged transgression from North Korea, the FBI is actually thoroughly investigating Sony’s IT department for suspects in the case.
those bastards better leave the internet alone… what ever happend to freedom???
Freedom hasnt existed in the states since 9/11. Everything went out the door and the whole country became a blind following of an elected dictator.
Since 9/11.. lets trying turning the nob a-lot more.
no worries friend. sovereign tech saavies are creating the alternet as we speak. soon, li’l chickens… soon.
This is why I call bullshit! Really, the codes were written in Korean? Sure, the Koreans never would have thought to change that.
Really?! Thanks alot Obama.
they fell right into it if it was korea they would have made it look like someone else if it was inside job they would have tried to make it look like someone else like oh idk KOREA
That Fucking Nigger obama better not touch the fucking internet.and thanks korea u fucking cunts and fuck u sony i never liked ur stupid products
How incredibly enriching this statement is. I can tell you are one enlightened individual, so let me help you out on that tip. If you want to be angry at people, good, but do a little research first. Also, calling North Koreans cunts and dropping F bombs just makes you look like a fool. You’re passionate about the topic, I can see that, so bring something of substance to it.
i find this thing offensive as it attacks the following 4 things :
1) freedom of control
2) love
3) joy
4) movement
Another liberty to be traded away for a sense of security.
Funny how most anons dont like infowars. David Knight has been talking about this non stop the last few weeks