Written by: AnonWatcher
A series of events can be traced throughout history, where one great empire collapses due to “transformation” or “economic malaise”, and hence, takes what they can with their demise. The Roman Empire’s collapse between the third and fifth centuries is a classic example, and historians to date, still argue over the main principles, which caused the Empire to crumble. But not all ‘downfalls’ are created equally. Not all span over centuries. Tactics change. Outcomes, though not initially notable, can become bloodbaths.
IMAGE: Recent “Occupy Central” protests in HongKong
In 2013, Tyler Durdan researched an article concerning the rise of the Chinese monetary (Yuan is the basic unit of Renminbi) against the decline of the US dollar on the world economic forum. It’s an interesting scenario he paints. And as he states, “nothing lasts forever.” Durdan goes on to quote Joachim Nagel, a business strategist focusing on strategic conflict and Chinese trade within the European economy, as saying:
“…Given China’s growing economic importance, the internationalization of the renminbi seems long overdue”.
“…The renminbi is currently transitioning from being a trading currency to an investment currency.”
“The Chinese currency is well on its way to becoming one of the future global reserve currencies.” [1]
These quotes are important. They reflect the growth of a potential new international player versus the American economy, now struggling internally, and on the world stage.
Now, add if you will, the developing alliance between Russia and China. A 30 year deal worth approximately $400 billion has been signed by China to buy natural gas from the Russians. China and Russia have suddenly aligned. Moscow has received an economic boost and China has received a very strategic partnership. Couple this with a potential third party joining the alliance (Iran), and exclude the United States; we can begin to see the potential to ‘scramble’ in a once strong political, economic and military arena. [2]
With the call from Chinese President Xi Jinping to create a new Asian organization in the name of “security co-operation” with Russia and Iran invited to participate, the early signs of an American ‘fall’ may be what we are witnessing in places such as Ukraine, Syria and more recently, the Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong. They are losing their grasp on this chaotic world. University of Tehran professor, Foad Izadi is quoted as saying “I think the Chinese-Iranian-Russian alliance is a nightmare for the United States… bypassing of the US dollar I think is a major step toward getting rid of the dollar for international economic transactions and this would be quite devastating for the United States.”[3]
So, what has this to do with the Occupy Central movement? This is a potential crux of the said collapse of a leading western economy.
IMAGE: Martin Lee and Anson Chan belly up to the table with US Vice President Joseph Biden in Washington DC earlier this year. During their trip, both Lee and Chan would attend a NED-hosted talk about the future of “democracy” in Hong Kong. Undoubtedly, “Occupy Central” and Washington’s support of it was a topic reserved for behind closed doors.
The White House has now officially backed the movement. Recently, a spokesman for the White House, Josh Earnest, has openly declared that they are watching and supporting the people of Hong Kong. On face value, this is commendable. But behind the professed Occupy Central demonstrations, one can argue the probability of a declining empire “promoting subversion and division within China,” and other countries.[4]
It’s not difficult to draw the subversive intentions of Occupy Central and its backers, National Endowment for Democracy (NED). One just needs to examine the subsidiaries, which include: Visa, McDonalds, Boeing, Hilton, Council on Foreign Relations, Department of State, and many more. Understandably, these foreign interests’ agenda can be interpreted as driven by capitalism, rather than democracy in its proper custom. Is the insidious nature of Occupy Central to destabilize what is ultimately a genuine people’s revolution? Regardless, Beijing’s hand, in order to “save face” is being coerced unfairly. Cartalucci states in his recent article this week, “US-backed destabilization efforts [other movements resembling Occupy Central] have been exacted elsewhere – namely the Middle East and Ukraine.” [5]
That is not what democracy is about.
[1] Tyler Durdan (7 June 2013)“Bundesbank Warns China’s Currency “On Its Way To Becoming Global Reserve Currency” http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-07-06/bundesbank-warns-chinas-currency-its-way-becoming-global-reserve-currency (Retrieved 8 October 2014)
[2] Simon Tomlinson (22 May 2014) “China signs $400billion deal to prop up Russia’s economy as it becomes isolated Vladimir Putin’s new best friend.” The Daily Mail Australia http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2634822/Red-wedge-Chinas-bid-security-alliance-Russia-Iran-not-United-States.html (Retrieved 8 October 2014)
[3] (8 October 2014) “Iran-Russia-China Alliance US Nightmare: Academic.” Press TV http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/05/22/363702/us-fears-iranrussiachina-alliance/ (Retrieved 8 October 2014)
[4] Tony Cartalucci (1 October 2014) “US Now Admits it is Funding “Occupy Central” in Hong Kong.“ Global Research. http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-now-admits-it-is-funding-occupy-central-in-hong-kong/5405680 (Retrieved 8 October 2014)
[5] Tony Cartalucci (October 2014) “US Openly Approves Hong Kong Chaos it Created.” Global Research http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-openly-approves-hong-kong-chaos-it-created/5405387 (Retrieved 8 October 2014)
Excellent article
It’s a game, and we all have tickets to the greatest collapse of our time. I just wish I live long enough to see it.
Luckily I can stay oversea. I didn’t go to the protest, i can understand why the people are out there. First, I have to clarify the happening of this occupy central event. It happened sequentially like this:
1. the chief executive of HK is bringing a lot of policies that is only beneficial to the mainland of china
2. people gathered at the civic plaza at the front of the government building and protested against a policy of “North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning”
3. people outside became raged when a policy was going to be pass by government officials by brute force, and successfully stopped the government discussion for a while. However, the so-called government discussion started again later and passed the policy.
4. the chief executive of hong kong put a large fence around the civic plaza.
5. the government started to launch new policies again
6. students associations gathered and try to enter the civic plaza, as they say(and it is) “the law says people are allowed to stay at the civic plaza to express their opinions to the government
7. students were dragged and carried away by the police, the chief executive says that the civic plaza at the front of the government building is not the “civic plaza”(which no other place is), it is illegal to enter there.
8. An organizer of “occupy central movement” suddenly says “the movement starts now”. And some of the people are unprepared and just go out to Admiralty (besides central, but not in central)
9. Riot police force beat protesters and used tear gas one night (the chief executive says during his so-call election that he will never have said “Hong Kong will need riot police and tear gas to deal with protestors”, as he was asked by his opponent, Henry Tang)
10. Many Hong Kong people are angry, and rushed out to back up the protestors the other night. And there is the news of the “umbrella movement”
11. Hong Kong people is still being treated badly by the government and the police. The government are putting off every trick to pull off this act.(including, Caring Hong Kong Power, triad, police, fake news)
12. Some Hong Kong people are desperate, and need more help. So they sign the “US government vote website”(I forgot the name) to get US to say something and so as other organization and countries like UK.
13. Things aren’t going anywhere. And the movement started to distract some HK people that don’t care about politics. Things happen until now.
People in HK now are on two sides now, one side supports the movement. The other side don’t. But as I know, the other side don’t do much about it. The opposing act are mostly hired by government related people at a price e.g.per hour. Many of them are triads.
Very interesting, Apple. What is your response, hqanon?
Dear Anon,
I am a strong supporter of the ideals that you claim to represent. I have been following you for many years and tried to spread the message to those closest to me and after a while even anybody. However you have been stepping on my trust in recent months as I notice more and more non-sense posts and news stories that either lack any form of clear citations or sources and I am very disappointed. You used to care about what you posted and promoted, now it seems like you are turning into a sub division of Teen Magazine….get your shit together and stop beating your chest. You are becoming lazy and it has been noticed.